Chris Christie Goes After Trump- “Loser, Loser, Loser” – IOTW Report

Chris Christie Goes After Trump- “Loser, Loser, Loser”


  • “He has shown himself … to be completely self-centered, completely self-consumed, and doesn’t give a damn about the American people.”
  • On big GOP losses in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections: “He hasn’t won a damn thing since 2016—three-time loser.”
  • On efforts to improve immigration laws: “It is an abject failure, and now he blames Joe Biden for it. But what the heck did you do to make it better?”
  • On Trump’s 2020 election lies: “Don’t allow the showmanship to obscure the facts. The facts are, he lost to Joe Biden. And he lost to Joe Biden, in my opinion, because he lost independent voters.”
  • “It was like he was Voldemort from Harry Potter—nobody wanted to mention his name,” Christie said of fellow Republicans shying away from talking about Trump at a recent GOP event. “Like, say his name, man, say his name.”
  • “Looks pretty damning,” Christie said of Trump’s most recent indictment over classified documents kept at his Mar-a-Lago estate. “This is vanity run amok … He is voluntarily putting our country through this.”
  • Christie had a joint insult about both Trump and Biden, regarding their combined ages, which he noted adds up to about 160. “I’m sorry, guys. Nobody beats Father Time.”
  • More on that: “Look, I think the single biggest thing I can contribute to unifying this country is to get rid of Joe Biden and get rid of Donald Trump. They are past their sell-by dates, OK? It’s done. It’s time.”


30 Comments on Chris Christie Goes After Trump- “Loser, Loser, Loser”

  1. “Look, I think the single biggest thing I can contribute to unifying this country is to _________”

    Come on guys. You definitely can do this

  2. ” Christie had a joint insult about both Trump and Biden, regarding their combined ages, which he noted adds up to about 160. “I’m sorry, guys. Nobody beats Father Time.” ”

    Also, Biden’s and Trump’s weight is less than Christie’s too. There is that.

  3. That FAT pig doesn’t even qualify as a RINO. He’s a K street owned POS. But his biggest master is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The epicenter for Globalist anti American pond scum that would sell our country out in a heart beat for a couple bucks.

  4. Wrong. Fat Bastard!
    President Trump has won the hearts and minds of millions of people.
    That’s something you could never do.
    You and Snuffy can just keep jerking each other off, and leave the rest of us alone.

  5. Let’s not forget the Muslim connections. He appointed Sohail
    Mohammed to state superior court who is A Mouthpeace For Radical Muslims. He’s a friend of radical Iman, Muslim brotherhood Qatanani who supports Hamas

  6. Oh, and the biggest thing he could do to unify the country, is to have his ass vaxxed to the gills.
    Then make him run behind a bakery delivery van.

    Or tell Captain Ahab where to find him…
    Either way..UNITY!

  7. Crispy won on The Biggest Loser and he still gained 20 pounds. He took Newark in his latest campaign with the slogan My Name Is Hurl. Lizzo played Springsteen’s Tenth Avenue Brain Freeze for him on the pan pizza flute. They renamed New Jersey The Garden Of Eatin’ State in honor of him.

  8. So if Christie felt so vehemently about Trump why did he help him prepare for his debate against Biden. I really hope Trump learned a lesson and moving forward surrounds himself with better people.

  9. Chris Christie, the Round One, hasn’t seen his penis in 20 years, his wife hasn’t looked for it in 22 years.

    Did you know Christie’s Uncle’s brother was a ranking member of the Genovese crime family —twice convicted of racketeering, sentenced to 25 years in prison?
    One of his Bosses was James Comey.
    He called himself an “ally” of Barack Obama on education reform in 2011.
    He was vetted, but found wanting, for Vice-President running with Romney.
    He also registered as a lobbyist in 2020 to represent businesses lining up for Covid relief funds.
    He was a paid political pundit for ABC News.

    A loser, elevated beyond his knowledge, experience and ability.
    Even Willard Romney blew him off as a running mate.
    Now that’s a loser’s loser.

  10. “…single biggest thing I can contribute…”
    would be his big fat disgutzing ass.
    on his first day in office, he’d make airlines have to widen their isles.
    (I’ll pay someone to ask him about that at a rally)
    and the presidential helicopter would have to be a Sikorski Sky Crane.
    He’s corrupt, too- its just that he’s from New jersey, and they’ve been doing the corruption thing for so long, they’ve gotten quite good at it and know who to pay off so they don’t get caught.

  11. Gluttony is one of the deadly sins. It is a moral failing, does not have to be food, but for Christie it is at the very least food, the appetite he cannot control. The lack of self control is the heart of the sin, allowing the meat house to run the show is not what was intended when humans developed holistic para-consciousness.

  12. Wrong fat bastard? Getting fatter everyday, just a few Big Macs ]short of becoming Christie’s size. As it is right now he has trouble walking up ramps & stairs.

  13. someone should photoshop his image into the picture of Trump standing in front of the tables of big macs he had for the athletes in the White House. And under it put the caption: “Lunch”

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