Chris Christie: We Must Accept Deaths to Save America – IOTW Report

Chris Christie: We Must Accept Deaths to Save America

He’s taking heat for this statement. Why?


  • Chris Christie: In an interview with Dana Bash of CNN, the former New Jersey governor said “we’re going to destroy the American way of life” if people can’t go back to work soon. “Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can, but the question is, towards what end, ultimately?” he said. “Are there ways that we can … thread the middle here to allow that there are going to be deaths, and there are going to be deaths no matter what?”
  • Elaborating: Asked about whether the public would accept reopening if it meant increased deaths, he said, “They’re gonna have to.” He likened the deaths to those of soldiers during WWII. “We sent our young men during World War Two over to Europe, out to the Pacific, knowing, knowing that many of them would not come home alive,” he said. “And we decided to make that sacrifice because what we were standing up for was the American way of life. In the very same way now, we have to stand up for the American way of life.”


19 Comments on Chris Christie: We Must Accept Deaths to Save America

  1. ‘Flattening the curve’ made some sense, a couple of months ago, when we were panicking about shortage of resources of all types. As to whether that merited house arrest for everyone and shutdown of the economy I know there is a great diversity of thought. But now that we do have the resources, and also have learned which treatments work, it is time to allow people to do activities that may involve them getting infected, knowing that can be handled. And that includes close contact, both on the beaches and in the hair salons.

  2. For the love of pete! Another specious argument. Comparing the wuflu to WWII! Didn’t some dimwitted “reporter” ask PDJT if he should be re-elected after some 50K people have died on his watch comparing the losses to that of the conflict we wallowed in in viet nam for more than a decade? Try comparing it to the fukcing annual flu deaths… especially because no-one has died from the “flu” this season, nor “drunk drivers”, nor cancer, nor thuggery, nor medical malpractice, nor suicide, nor homicide, nor “gun violence”…….. everyone who has died in the last three months has died from the wuflu! Never before in the history of medicine has someone recommended that the well be quarantined.
    It is all a sham!

  3. When it finally dawns on us that we’ve been punked by the media and politicians over a seasonal flu, some are gonna be pissed.

    Obola (et al) tried for 8 years to destroy the economy.
    That’s a FACT.
    Obola (et al) tried for the past 4 years to undo the 2016 election with lies, phony investigations, and impeachment.
    That’s another FACT.
    When the Wuhan Flu raised its ugly head, the opportunity to damage America became substantial, and the anti-American maggotry (media, Academia, and Demonrat politicians) struck – successfully, I might add.
    That’s another FACT.
    The maggots moved to extend the damage for generations to come by the “bailout” of the economy – and to implement permanent “hope and change” – by not only nationalizing the Flu, but by nationalizing the enormous debts of the profligate states (eg NY, IL, CA, MD, NJ, &c)
    That’s still another FACT – and they’re getting away with it.

    We cower in our basements awaiting an “all Clear!” which will never come.
    There will never be a risk-free world – not even in the sick fever-dream world that the totalitarians would foist upon us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The numbers, even the phony inflated ones being used, don’t justify the actions.

    More people are starting to wake up to this.

    But the damage has been done, freedom once lost is rarely regained through peaceful means.

  5. The quickest way to stop the economy from going over the cliff, is to reverse course.
    We’ve been sham wowed.
    Funny thing, some people like this because they are getting paid for sitting home or playing around outside. Still able to pay their bills. Added bonus is they think it hurts Trump. We shall see if they over played the scam.

  6. I’m a pebble toss from 70 and married. We both have age
    related health issues and live in an urban area. We practice avoiding people including relatives and do all the usual cautionary stuff.
    We will take our chances. Since when are Americans cowards?
    Be damned to the bioweapon the CCP dropped on the floor. Open the 90% of the Country that is not sick like “certain” cities, take reasonable precautions and Go Back To Work!

  7. Just got back from my new home in AR. Yeah you see an idiot or 3 wearing masks in the super market and 1 or 2 here or there but the panic porn isn’t having much of an effect in northern Arkansas.

    Flying back was another story. Air port in Little Rock like a ghost town and most were wearing masks. And flying out of Dallas? Fuck, in the full throes of doom porn. Almost everyone on the flight to Midland, about 80 people, wore masks including the crew while they were settling into the cockpit and the stews.

    It’s the flu. People are going to die, that’s the way it is but to live your life like the Eloi waiting for the Morlocks to signal you’re safe is bullshit. I won’t do it. If I still had my studio, I guess I’d be in the cell next to the hair stylist because I sure as fuck think having my guys being able to feed their families is more important than cowering & waiting for some government cheese.

    And what happened in Odessa yesterday is a GD disgrace. In Texas? Lord. I knew the 100s of 1,000s of people pouring into this state would turn it just like they fucked CO.

    And just WhereTF is Barr and his “…we told federal prosecutors across the country to be on guard for overbearing state and local coronavirus measures…” If apprehending some guys having a few beers with a fucking armored troop carrier packing a turret mounted machine gun and cops with full auto rifles ain’t “over reach” than that word has no meaning.

    Thank goodness AR has no where the allure of CO or TX.

  8. MMinAR,
    Had to go to BRMC the other day (blood draw) and it was a crock of shit getting into the building. Masks, temperatures, everyone pretending.

    Will be heading back this week – to WallyWorld and Lowes. We’ll see how those go.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim, does it make any sense to allow people to shop for food but not permit folks to get a haircut?(I’m about ready for the circus with my new look)or get an oil change, shoot some hoops or pool? It’s ludicrous.

    The only way this does make any sense to to hammer the Orange Man. No matter what happens, he ain’t gonna catch a break. Especially when conservative(?) sites and idiots like Hannity are cucking out.

  10. Flattening the curve has quickly becoming Flattening the Nation, & Flattening the principle of the primacy of freedom of the individual.

    We accept deaths so we can continue driving motorized vehicles. And we’ve expended lives to save the nation many times before. Anyone opposed to doing it again, just wants the nation destroyed.

  11. Tim MAY 6, 2020 AT 9:21 AM

    “We cower in our basements awaiting an “all Clear!” which will never come.”

    …the only thing I disagree with you on.

    We WILL be told it’s “all clear”.

    At the SAME time we are FORCED back to work.

    AFTER they take over.

    …THEN, we will NEVER hear about a “health concern” AGAIN.

    …even as we die like flies under the terrible Communist world they will usher in.

    …because this was NEVER about “health”, and never WILL be…

  12. “Chris Christie: We Must Accept Deaths to Save America’

    …I’m not a Christie fan since his lover’s hug on “Obama”, and he may have put it inelegantly, but essentially, he’s correct.

    People WILL die of the Cornavirus as everyone goes back to work.

    Just like they will die of the flu, of auto accidents, of workplace violence, and every OTHER thing that comes with real life.

    Life has consequences. One of those consequences is death.

    But if you refuse to live, what does it mean for you to die?

    This is what Shakespeare meant in this passage…

    “A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”
    Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act II, Scene 2.

    …if you go over the ways you CAN die until it paralyzes you with FEAR (as the Democrats WANT), then you die ALL of those deaths in you MIND, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, until you become a quivering ball of useless flesh lying in a fetal postion on your basement floor, no good to yourself or anyone else.

    You are NOT alive in those straights.

    Neither are you dead.

    …you’ve simply joined Schrödinger’s cat, dead and alive like that cat, neither and both at once, because you are out of the sight of others, irrelevant, unneeded, there to do whatever you do that evidently is of no value to anyone but yourself, if even YOU value it.

    Thinking about ways you can keep your flesh viable for another day is gonna lose its thrill pretty quick, probably after you chafe yourself one too many times with the Internet porn. And the wife won’t be very sympathetic at ALL.

    …if you want to have a risk model, look at it as national triage. Sometimes, ALL your choices suck. Sometimes, you just don’t have enough to go around.

    Sometimes, some people are going to die.

    That’s where the triage principle comes in.

    “do the greatest good for the greatest number”.

    Will we help the most by sitting in our basements and delaying breathing the free air as long as possible while it becomes impossible to continue the supply chain outside, dooming ourselves and others to slow starvation or quick death in food riots?

    Or do we do the most good by pulling our pants up, swallowing our fear, and getting the hell back to work while there’s still an economy to save and we haven’t killed all the cows yet because we can’t afford to feed them any more?

    …no, he didn’t phrase it well. Not well at ALL.

    But there’s no nice way to PUT some things.

    Some may die soon.

    Or all may die slow.

    But one thing’s for sure.

    All men die, sooner or later, at pain or at peace.

    …but not all men LIVE.

    Fear is not life.

    It is death.

    If you fear, you are dead already.

    At least have the decency to go bury yourself.

    …Even a cat, Schrödinger’s or not, does THAT much with his turd…

  13. Luke 9:60
    “Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.”

    …or at least nut up enough to open the Church…

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