Chris Cuomhole Doesn’t Get the Answer He Was Hoping For in Online Poll – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomhole Doesn’t Get the Answer He Was Hoping For in Online Poll

13 Comments on Chris Cuomhole Doesn’t Get the Answer He Was Hoping For in Online Poll

  1. That is bad. An online poll tends to attract people in favor of the proposition or attracted by the person posing the question. I’d bet most of the respondents were Democrats or liberals attracted by Cuomo. That being the case even Democrats (the small “d” ones think she’s lying. The only ones that think she telling the truth are hard core left.

  2. Buttttttttttt… aren’t we to believe the newest poll that says everyone is losing faith in Kavanaugh???!!!!!

    And you have to assume his audience wasn’t exactly a bunch of conservatives. They don’t get it. People see through this lunacy and know exactly what this is and has been. And it isn’t going to bode well for the democrats.

  3. I answer and forward all of these. We flip a lot of them over to pro-conservative. I do my part to aggravate, depress, enrage, and otherwise make pussy-hatted liberals even more miserable. 😀

  4. @Merry Poppet – #MeToo (-:
    Responding to surveys such as this one is mean-spirited fun, emphasis on FUN! I figure the left-collectivists are themselves mean-spirited through and through, so a little payback is easy for me to rationalize.

  5. When Old Hag Feinstein got that letter she should have responded with: Are you phucking kidding me? Same with old dead John McCain, when he got the dossier, he should have shit canned it. But politicians are basically scumbags.


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