Chris Cuomo Admits He’s Indulged in “Irrationality and Hyper Partisanship” as a CNN Employee – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo Admits He’s Indulged in “Irrationality and Hyper Partisanship” as a CNN Employee

Apparently his “near death” experience has brought to him an epiphany – he’s a total friggin’ hack. And he admits it and implies he’s quitting CNN.

30 Comments on Chris Cuomo Admits He’s Indulged in “Irrationality and Hyper Partisanship” as a CNN Employee

  1. Don Lemon will be coming to the rescue to get your head straight. There isn’t anything else this talentless clod can do professionally. Time to retire and focus on cooking your Mom’s pasta recipe.

  2. “I don’t like what I do professionally. I don’t think it’s worth my time.”

    Chris, I don’t like what you do professionally and it’s definitely not worth MY time.

  3. He regrets “loving” Don lemon?

    This is just a ploy to try and get viewers or voters for whatever he and his brother are up to for their next career moves.

    Maybe he is hoping his big brother makes a run for the White House and he can get and advisory job.

    Guido Bastard Freddo Fuck.

  4. Can you imagine a world where the brother of a Republican governor is a news anchor? Or the former chief of staff of a Republican President is the host of a news program?

    Neither can I.

  5. In preparation of his brother ´´´reluctantly´´´ accepting the dnc nomination to campaign for President, chris begins the heavy lifting job of moving to the center ……….

  6. I listened.

    I heard:

    “I’ve made enough to walk away from this gig. I don’t want to be confronted about the lying I do any more.”
    (apparent undertone of remorse for selling his soul all these years, but really still all about him and his comfort)

  7. Fredo has roid rage.
    He is a lambda male, towards the lower half of the pack mentally and physically.
    If he doesn’t get control of his pea brain, he will end up in the emergency room after a poodle wups his dumb ass.
    What an embarrassment.


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