Chris Cuomo Has a Tardy Revelation and Says the Obvious Out Loud – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo Has a Tardy Revelation and Says the Obvious Out Loud

Don’t dismiss what he is saying. He is right. It’s just comical that it took him a long time to swallow the red pill on this issue. Could more lefties be joining him? Could this be the start of revelations on other issues of which he is currently wrong?

From Common Cents-

Please watch and distribute – Chris Cuomo: Footage from Oct. 7 attack on Israel shows ‘Hamas wanted war’

NewsNation host Chris Cuomo is among the journalists who have attended a private screening of raw footage from Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. After watching it, Cuomo says it’s clear that “Hamas wanted war and wanted the Jews to know that they want them to burn. Again.” Chris Cuomo hosts “CUOMO,” a no-nonsense show featuring the day’s most important news from all perspectives. “CUOMO” airs weeknights at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT on NewsNation. #CUOMO

See the light bulb go off in his head HERE.

15 Comments on Chris Cuomo Has a Tardy Revelation and Says the Obvious Out Loud

  1. Mr. Cuomo seemingly has had a revelation, & I sincerely hope he has ‘come to the light, so to say

    but, from his past behavior, I will brace for his next attack on anyone not agreeing w/ his *regressive beliefs

    dog bites you once, shame on the dog
    dog bites you twice, shame on you

    *regressive beliefs: the belief that there are those (them) that are higher & born better than ‘the masses’. they are destined to rule absolutely w/ the power of controlling all else’s entire lives, including occupation, station, value, worth, thought & life.
    (see feudalism, oligarchism, totalitarianism, communism, socialism, progressivism, national socialism, democracy, collectivism, etc.)

  2. THE ONLY WAY Hamas managed to pull off what they did was with the express help of the IDF. Gaza is the most surveilled land on earth and their border is the most secure. ONLY with Israeli assistance were they able to do what they did and even the NYTimes acknowledges that they knew 1 year in advance of the plans. They sacrificed their own people to justify the ongoing genocide the world would have objected to otherwise. They have a long history of genocides that are well documented in the old testament.

  3. I trust Cuomo about as far as I can throw him with a bad back, hip and knee!
    He knew the truth all along. He’s in the business to know, he’s an insider and as an insider for the democRAT party he knows about all the skullduggery too! Reality is twisting his arm to “see the light” cuz it’s just it’s just too obvious at this point!
    Kind of like Hamas who retreat, surrender and re-arm, these bought and paid for democRAT “News” people retreat to rebuild their creds with some truth, but make no mistake about it they will revert back to Propaganda in no time at all!

  4. He just risked the wrath of the left.

    He may fold later, but I cheer what he said now.

    We wait for the day when the left wakes up, but instead, people keep slamming them when they do. I know. Trust but verify. He could very well double down on the stupid in another context.

    But I’m going to give him credit for what he said here. I celebrate the clear and passionate message he just gave those who only listen to the left’s talking points. Imagine how many may have been swayed, maybe to not totally believe him, but maybe to question the talking points they are being fed.

  5. His father was a lawyer who represented Fred Trump, Donald J Trump’s father. Seems to me that the Cuomos have been a
    bit resentful of the Trump’s success at building ANYTHING in NYC .

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