Chris Cuomo is a Fakenews-er – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo is a Fakenews-er

“Fake news is the worst thing that you can call a journalist. It’s like an ethnic disparagement” – Chris Cuomo


Read about it HERE.

18 Comments on Chris Cuomo is a Fakenews-er

  1. Chris is very limited in his thought process. I can think of a multitude of things I not only could call him and other “journalists”, but would gladly and gleefully call them, that are magnitudes worse than a simple racial slur. He greatly underestimates the damage he and his fellow “journalists” have inflicted on their own reputations withe the decent citizens of America.

  2. One of the few things Europeans do right is call these people what they are: presenters or news readers.

    Cuomo, like Chelsea Clinton, would never have gotten a TV gig if not for having a crooked politician parent.

  3. Why “fake news?”
    Why not call it what it is? PROPAGANDA!
    Why do we shy away from accurate descriptors and fall back upon vagaries?
    Why do we say “leftist” or “progressive” or “liberal” instead of “socialist” and “totalitarian?” Or even “statist totalitarian?” Or “fascist?”

    I truly don’t understand why we dance around words instead of attempting to clarify our thoughts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Gunny, the millennials’ eyes glaze over at musty old words like “propaganda” and ” yellow journalism”. The MSM is just trying to get hip with the youth of today. Apparently, even “Uncle Tom” is passe now, and blacks can be “white supremacists” like the rest of us.

  5. Mr Coumo told the public that it was illegal to access and read the leaked Podestia e-mails, among other lies. So as not to raise the ever present specter of racism, by calling him a lying sack of shit fake news yellow journalist retard of Italian decent that should be black balled from all venues, no I won’t call him that. I’ll just say Mr Coumo’s journalistic abilities are a on par with that of Baghdad Bob, who is best known for his grandiose and grossly unrealistic propaganda broadcasts, meaning that Coumo doesn’t let the facts interfere with the party line.

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