Chris Cuomo trolls Andrew Yang on climate alarmism – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo trolls Andrew Yang on climate alarmism

American Thinker:

Andrew Yang, the quirky Democrat presidential candidate who wants to send a thousand bucks a month to everyone who is able to fog a mirror, escalated the warmist doomsaying when he told the presidential debate audience Wednesday night that it is too late already.  The only thing to do now is move to higher ground.

Yang, who boasted that he’s Asian and likes math, should have spent a little time on history — the history of busted predictions of climate doom…first from global cooling and then from global warming.

One of the pernicious effects of such irresponsible rhetoric is the psychological traumatization of children.  Even clueless Chris Cuomo, the Fredo of his generation of Cuomos, claimed he witnessed the impact, only to retreat and claim he was only “messing” with Yang.  This is weird.  

5 Comments on Chris Cuomo trolls Andrew Yang on climate alarmism

  1. Andrew Yang yOdel to Algore

    Mirror Mirror on the Wall who’s the saddest of them all
    Every time the Wind blows at my Window I rush to see if it’s you at my door
    And the Sadness fills the room when you’re not standing there
    And the Sun comes up and a new day’s dawning
    But nothing’s changed for I still love you yet
    Mirror Mirror on the Wall. . .

  2. Let’s do a little math.
    320,000,000 population in the U.S. (approx)
    $1000 to each person (don’t even have to be a citizen) per month
    $320,000,000,000 ($320 billion) per month
    $3,840,000,000,000 ($3.84 TRILLION) per year

    I think you forgot to carry your naught naughts, Jethro.


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