Chris Matthews Wonders if Kamala Harris ‘Is Seen as African-American’ – IOTW Report

Chris Matthews Wonders if Kamala Harris ‘Is Seen as African-American’

Breitbart: Monday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews wondered aloud if Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) will appeal to black voters in the 2020 presidential election due to her being mixed Jamaican and Tamil Indian.

“Is she seen as African-American?” Matthews asked Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons about Harris after pointing out how her campaign color scheme copied Shirley Chisholm’s when she became the first major-party black candidate to run for president.

Simmons responded, “Yes, she’s African-American. … She’s really planting her feet in the African-American community and I think she’s going to be a very strong candidate. Now, Cory Booker is also going to do the same thing.”

“Is he running? He’s another B, where is he?” Matthews interrupted. “One of the Bs, and he’s not in there. When’s he coming in?” Watch

23 Comments on Chris Matthews Wonders if Kamala Harris ‘Is Seen as African-American’

  1. Well, when I rub her shoulders inappropriately and without consent, her skin feels the same as the skin of Asian, Latin, and white women who I also fondle. Now, young teenager skin! Oh, now that’s a different thing there. Sooo soft and they’re less likely to know how to get away from me. Bottom line is that ALL women have skin that I like to sniff, rub, and fondle. I’m color blind and I think all women are equally squeezable and rub-able and we shouldn’t judge them by the color of their skin.

  2. Anyone who has ever lost their remote control would know that Sissy Matthews constantly refers to Americans as being self-segregated into “tribes”.

    It is very important for certain “tribes” to glom on to each other to maximize and attain political power to the exclusion of others. If white people are “tribal”, it’s racism.


  3. I’m quite sure she’ll make that very clear, Chris. At least to you Dems. Conservatives already know her as a woman who’s had a little black in her and used it to great political advantage. Somebody better tell Roseanne, though.

  4. Maybe Chris can check her purse to see if she’s carrying any hot sauce.

    That is a quantifiable measurement for a particular tribe if I am to believe another former presidential candidate.

    However, if Chris Matthews was a spice he would be flour.

  5. I bet a test could be purchased that proves she’s 1/1024th black. Or Norwegian. Or Lahteeno. Or whatever.

    As soon as your hear the crap that spews out of her leftist piehole, you know what she is.

  6. If whites are supposed to enjoy the windfall of “white privilege” you’d think there would be more blacks pretending to be white than people rushing to claim that they have that “one drop of blood” that is in fact a free-shit bonanza!***

    *** the opinion of a father whose kids were shunned for their paleness when it came to college admission, and who paid full tuition (exc for acad. scholarships). Not to mention being the responsible dad for everyone’s kids–even the ones whose parents did nothing for their own kids.

  7. I understand Chris’ confusion. It’s odd how Kamala Harris (who to my knowledge has never been to Africa) is African American, while Charlize Theron (who was born near Johannesburg and holds dual citizenship in South Africa and the US) is not.

  8. “….He’s another B, where is he?” Matthews interrupted. “One of the Bs, and he’s not in there. When’s he coming in?”

    What the hell is a ‘B’. Please don’t tell me he used that to designate a Black/African American. Or is it the ‘B’ team? Or ‘B’ for bald? That man is so damn racist he should shunned.


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