Chris Stapleton National Anthem – IOTW Report

Chris Stapleton National Anthem

17 Comments on Chris Stapleton National Anthem

  1. Amen! THIS is the only National Anthem of The United States of America. Chris Stapleton is a magnificent singer. His rendition of our real National Anthem was wonderful.

  2. I quit watching national sports because I could not stand to see the cameras televising the athletes kneeling during the National Anthem.

    Have the athletes changed, or the newscasters/camera persons changed.

    Is it possible that change is undulating beneath the progressive filth?

  3. I weep during your national anthem for the same reason that I wept during the Obama years. The destruction of your country continues. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ May you somehow find your way back to your former glory. โค

  4. While everyone sings Chris Stapleton’s praises, I will not. He may be talented, but I’ll remind everyone that he is as left as they come. He sold-out to the establishment. He is a fraud. Something happened between his time w/ the Steeldrivers and his solo career… That something is the Nashville fame machine that pays “talent” to carry a message that is repugnant to those of us that love this country.
    FWIW… Dean Dillon and Linda Hargrove wrote “Tennesee Whiskey”… No Chris Stapleton about it.

  5. Seemed unnecessarily drawn out to me.. I had to go pee twice before he finished…..

  6. Loved the song rendition but the NFL and network had to ruin it by the virtue signaling of the sailors in rainbow formation and the all women flyover.
    I look forward to the day when they can just let the event happen without the leftist messaging.

  7. DH and I call him the screamer. One of his songs came on Pandora, and before the song was over we had to turn him off. I got the impression he was always a liberal.

    “There’s a very broad awakening that’s come about,” the singer said. “It’s time for me to listen. It’s time for other folks to listen.”

    Chris continued, “I thought we were living in a different country. That’s 100 percent real. The country that I thought we were living in was a myth.”

    Chris continued by saying that the country had “a lot of work to do” on issues of race, adding that those who don’t think so aren’t looking clearly. When he was asked directly about his support for the Black Lives Matter movement, Chris was unequivocal.

    “Do I think Black lives matter? Absolutely. I don’t know how you can think they don’t,” he said, adding that white people obviously aren’t the only ones that matter.

    Google: What Are Chris Stapleton’s Political Views? About the Country Star

    Singing the Star Spangled Banner doesn’t make him one of us. /just saying

  8. beachmom
    “just let the event happen without the leftist messaging.”
    50 years ago.

    “I got the impression he was always a liberal.”
    Embrace the liberal agenda or be canceled.
    I’m sure CAA monitors all. They realized the kneeling killed their viewership.
    Every advertiser should be boycotted, money loss is the only thing they understand.

  9. @Cmnยขยขguy: I won’t embrace liberalism. I go out of my way to avoid it, them, and their agenda. I can often see the hurdles beforehand. I don’t care who you are singing the National Anthem, he got paid to portray himself as a Patriot among the harlots he was performing with. Rhianna got a horrid review – at least it wasn’t crotch shot Madonna performing.


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