Chris Wallace Ambushes Antony Blinken Over Afghan Calamity: ‘Does President Not Know What’s Going On?’ – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace Ambushes Antony Blinken Over Afghan Calamity: ‘Does President Not Know What’s Going On?’

Trending Politics: “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace pressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the Biden administration’s gross mishandling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan as thousands of Americans remain trapped there and are desperately attempting to get out.

In particular, Wallace asked Blinken about Biden’s multiple “flat wrong” statements about the situation on the ground in the war-torn southwest Asian country.

After asking Blinken about Biden’s claims that al Qaeda is not in Afghanistan, Wallace said, “Here’s another statement that the president made that was flat wrong, take a look.”

The Fox News host and anchor then played a video clip of Biden making the statement.

“I have seen no question of marketability from our allies around the world. I’ve got the exact opposite. We are acting with dispatch. We are committing to what we said we would do,” he said.

“Armin Laschet, the likely successor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said, ‘This is the biggest debacle that NATO has seen since its foundation,’” Wallace added before pressing: “Mr. Secretary, does the president not know what’s going on?” more

11 Comments on Chris Wallace Ambushes Antony Blinken Over Afghan Calamity: ‘Does President Not Know What’s Going On?’

  1. You call that an ambush? How about these?

    What stage of Alzheimer’s do you think the president is at now?
    Does he even know who you are, or who anyone is around him?
    Is he able to insert his own straw in his juice cups?
    Does Jill or a Secret Service agent tie his shoes for him in the morning?
    Which episode of Sesame Street is the president’s favorite?
    Who’s really calling the shots, Ben Rhodes or Susan Rice?

    Blinken is no worse than Merrick Garland, both make Janet Reno and Eric Holder look positively Einsteinian.

  2. Eat shit Wallace.
    You covered for the drooling pedophile during the debates.
    You knew he was a cognitive crapfest back then.
    Don’t act all surprised now, that we have a brain dead asshole running things.


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