Chris Wallace is having “daily meltdowns” at CNN / CNNplus – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace is having “daily meltdowns” at CNN / CNNplus

By Sister Toldjah

Back in December when longtime broadcast journalist Chris Wallace announced he was leaving Fox News and the coveted anchor perch he had held there for some 18 years, speculation ran high that the “new adventure” he hinted at heading off to involved a stint at CNN, which is Public Enemy Number One as far as Fox News viewers and a growing number of cable news watchers across the country are concerned.

Sure enough, not long after Wallace revealed his departure from Fox, a statement was issued noting he would soon be joining CNN+, the paid streaming version of CNN which is expected to debut before the end of March. more here

29 Comments on Chris Wallace is having “daily meltdowns” at CNN / CNNplus

  1. Chrissy the sissy, another karmic example of the Trump effect.

    It’s simply amazing how many Tump haters have been destroyed. Most by their own hubris.

    Of course they are all sexual predators, deviants, harassers and pedophiles so there is that.

    Fuck CNN and the Pedo…

  2. Wallace’s ‘meltdown’ should be because he was thrown in an asphalt cooker.
    His career as a ‘newsman’ consisted of selling his country down the shitter.

  3. High melodrama is appreciated in those places. Histrionics and bed wetting is part and parcel of being in that environment and recognized as a virtue. A meltdown done right can advance ones standing among his peers. It’s all theater, life imitates art and to them it has become a way of life. It’s expected.

  4. For the life if me, I can’t understand why I should care what happens to Chris Wallace. He can live a long. prosperous life or drop dead later today. All the same to me.

  5. Not nearly as liberal as mike; but still an ass!

    Proof Fox was never conservative! 1,000 years ago my Saxon ancestors would have said i am int great SCHADENFREUDE! And indeed i am!

    I said 3 years ago; Don let his big ego get out of hand when letting Fox “moderate” a debate. I voted Don TWICE! But Fox was a very bad move!

  6. Effective nepotism, not direct. Would the individual have been provided a platform on national media without the father? No. His mother and father didn’t cross super duper well.

  7. “Wallace is more diva than Beyonce’ or Celine Dion ever thought about being. I wish nothing but the worst for him.”

    Nailed it. Plus the fact he’s never worked a hard day in his life. Wouldn’t know the difference between a hammer and a seal puller.

  8. …I guess you weren’t paying attention to how they treated Arlen Specter when he betrayed America to give them Obamacare.

    …not even a party of traitors stand with a traitor, Chris. Whatever they promised you was always a lie, Democrats throw their tools away when they’re done with them.

    Didn’t you know,?

    …you do NOW, I guess…

    “I never could bring myself to trust a traitor,” the Baron said. “Not even a traitor I created.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune

  9. Hey Chris! How are you gonna read a teleprompter when you couldn’t even read the writing on the wall??

    I mean, yer in the business for Chrisake. How did you NOT know the situation over at the Clownfart News Network? If they didn’t before, people are looking at you now like yer some kind retard with the mental agility of a small soap dish saying “he didn’t quit. Fox fired his dumb ass!”


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