Christian Student Doesn’t Want To See Pornography In Book That Was Assigned To Him – Instructor’s Response Is Complete Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

Christian Student Doesn’t Want To See Pornography In Book That Was Assigned To Him – Instructor’s Response Is Complete Hypocrisy

The college campus, the place which invented safe spaces so leftist snowflakes cannot be confronted with diverse thinking, doesn’t have a safe space for someone who doesn’t want to see pornography.

(NEWSER) – Some Duke freshmen made headlines this week for refusing to read a graphic novel assigned to them. In the Washington Post yesterday, one of them provided a fuller explanation of the stance against Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home. “The book includes cartoon drawings of a woman masturbating and multiple women engaging in oral sex,” writes Brian Grasso, a Christian who considers the images pornographic. Grasso says he’s not opposed to reading about ideas and beliefs opposed to his own—and fully expects to do so at Duke—but having to look at pictures is a whole different matter. “I think there is an important distinction between images and written words,” he writes. “If the book explored the same themes without sexual images or erotic language, I would have read it.”

In his view, the images violate the “sacredness of sex.” Grasso writes that he knows his is a minority view, but “cultural pluralism will lose its value if students aren’t allowed to follow their beliefs, even if they are conservative.” At Quartz, however, SUNY Brockport instructor Amber Humphrey writes that education “obliges us to read, hear, and see things that we might not otherwise encounter.” If these students aren’t prepared to do that, maybe Duke should show them the door. “Let them reapply when they are ready to face the danger presented by a comic book.”


The instructor is doing a comedy bit, based on irony, no?

14 Comments on Christian Student Doesn’t Want To See Pornography In Book That Was Assigned To Him – Instructor’s Response Is Complete Hypocrisy

  1. I’m so old I can remember when “reading assignments” at college didn’t include cartoon, lesbian porn. If you wanted to read dreck like that you were expected to do it on your own time (and you would have been ashamed to admit that you did waste time reading such trash).

    I used to consider Duke University to be a valid institution institution of higher learning. Based on stories like this it’s becoming difficult to believe that a degree from some fly-by-night online “university” wouldn’t evidence an actual education at least as good if not better than many of these historically revered universities.

  2. Gee Wally, maybe if he’s lucky 88 perfessers will accuse of rape now and give him a free ride to Yale and then some!

    Why anyone sends their kid to Duke is beyond my comprehension. Not one of that gang of 88 Lib professors was fired for what they did and it wound up costing the University untold millions of dollars. If I were paying tuition there I think I would have a lot to say about that!

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