Christian Group Sues SPLC and Amazon Over ‘Hate Group’ Designation – IOTW Report

Christian Group Sues SPLC and Amazon Over ‘Hate Group’ Designation

Good to see that some light will be shed on this group that earns its income by claiming any organization not in lockstep with the Left is ‘hate-filled’

Left Coast Dan


PJM: On Tuesday, D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the charity navigation organization GuideStar, and Amazon for defamation, religious discrimination, and trafficking in falsehood. The SPLC listed DJKM as a “hate group,” while GuideStar also categorized it in those terms, and Amazon kept the ministry off of its charity donation program, Amazon Smile.

“We embarked today on a journey to right a terrible wrong,” Dr. Frank Wright, president and CEO at DJKM, said in a statement Tuesday. “Those who knowingly label Christian ministries as ‘hate’ groups, solely for subscribing to the historic Christian faith, are either woefully uninformed or willfully deceitful. In the case of the Southern Poverty Law Center, our lawsuit alleges the latter.”

The SPLC has labeled DJKM an “anti-LGBT hate group” for its opposition to same-sex marriage and transgenderism. “These false and illegal characterizations have a chilling effect on the free exercise of religion and on religious free speech for all people of faith,” Wright declared.

“After having given the SPLC an opportunity to retract, we have undertaken this legal action, seeking a trial by a jury of our peers, to preserve our own rights under the law and to defend the religious free speech rights of all Americans,” the DJKM president concluded.

The lawsuit laid out charges against the SPLC, GuideStar, and Amazon.  MORE

9 Comments on Christian Group Sues SPLC and Amazon Over ‘Hate Group’ Designation

  1. The SPLC has destroyed a lot of good people / groups strictly for the nefarious” purpose of fundraising”. The sauce seemed good to them when they poured it on the goose …… let’s see how it tastes once it’s poured onto the gander.

    “Lawfare” is how the left fights much of the time to achieve their ultimate goals of destroying Christianity and Western Civilization with it. I’m glad to see that someone is finally throwing their vomit back into their own faces.

  2. Discovery phase will be a bitch for the splc. “Non-profit”? Lets look at your finances. NOW! The splc may find that just poked their last bear.

  3. This is just one. I went through their list a few days ago and, IMHO, there are several questionable groups on their list of hate. Those who make hate lists are the most hateful.

  4. Has anybody anywhere ever mentioned a NAME affiliated with SPLC? I’ve never read or heard, “Blah Blah from the SPLC said,…”. Anybody? Who the Fuck are these shits? As far as I can tell, someone could walk into the SPLC headquarters and wipe them all out and there’d never be a police report because apparently they never existed.

  5. WSJ editorial board took the SPLC to task earlier this month for being smear merchants. I think they were trying to warn businesses about potential liability in taking SPLC views as factual. There were several articles and it appears if you don’t tow the same line as them you are a hate-filled bigot.

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