Christianity Wants To Save Gays From Hell – Islam Wants To Send Gays To Hell – IOTW Report

Christianity Wants To Save Gays From Hell – Islam Wants To Send Gays To Hell

How will the left handle the reality that Islam wants to murder gays?


ht/ Moe Tom

35 Comments on Christianity Wants To Save Gays From Hell – Islam Wants To Send Gays To Hell

  1. “Gee. Who do I hate more? A Christian baker who politely declines to mix eggs, flour, sugar, and cake mix for me because he doesn’t believe in gay marriage OR an incecstuous POS muslim who wants to blow my head off because of my lifestyle? Hmmmmmmmm…I gotta go with the Christian baker Alex because it’s too much to have my worldview challenged!”

  2. Muzlims hate Gays? Really?
    That’s probably the most obtuse thing I’ve ever hoid!
    Are you kidding me? They hate everybody. They hate Whites, they hate women, they hate Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, they hate Africans, Indians, Egyptians, they hate Buhdists, Tamils, Christians and Jews, they the West, they hate Russia, they hate the Chinese, Hell they even hate each other! There is no Peace on Earth or Goodwill toward Men in their way of thinking and fergit about “COEXIST” bumper stickers! That’s for ignoranuses.
    Rember their motto:The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
    Put another way, the only friends muzloids have are the enemies of their enemies and everybody is their enemy! Apeasing and getting along with these animals is just a fairy tale for the dumbed-down, self-absorbed, White guilt-ridden, Holier-Than Thou, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, rainbow-plantation, kumbaya-singing, hashtag opportunistic, Xanax-disabled, Valium-dependent, stuck-on-stupid Liberals.
    Gay hatred is simply their latest Poop duJour. Nothing grows where islam goes, except indiscriminate mindless mutilation, death and destruction by a bunch of equal-opportunity haters.
    You don’t coddle it.
    You don’t negotiate with it.
    You send it back to the Hell it came from by killing it!

  3. From all I’ve heard and experienced,
    homos are little different from muzzies:
    “join us, celebrate us or we will destroy you.”
    Like many above said, they *won’t* see – much less value – the difference (until it’s too late? is the question).

  4. From the article:

    “All the victims at the gay nightclub who were murdered over the weekend need our prayers.”

    No, they don’t. There is no biblical example or command to pray for anyone who has died, nor any hope found in Scripture that such prayers would avail anything anyway. We die in Christ or we die apart from Him. Either one unalterably fixes our eternal fate, since it’s appointed to all once to die, then judgment. Either we agree that Christ bore that judgment for us, or we bear it ourselves and are lost. Prayer cannot change that fact.

    “Fifty people, 50-plus souls were on the scene, and the very next moment, they were standing before the judgment seat of Almighty God — as we all will be one day.”

    The writer has confused two distinct judgments. One is the bema or judgment seat of Christ, which will be only for believers, where He will judge their service rendered to Him. The imagery Paul uses is of testing of various substances by fire. All that is of quality will remain. The worthless will turn to ash…but the believer himself will be saved since it’s not him but his works being judged. Christ was already made to be sin for him, so the sin question is forever settled.

    The other, however, is the Great White Throne judgment. This is where all who have refused to repent unto Christ are officially sentenced and condemned. Believers will not stand before God here for the reason cited above. It will be unbelievers only, with every mouth stopped before Him. There will be no appeal, no grace, no mercy – the fact they are here shows they already rejected God’s grace and mercy extended in Christ.

    This is why true Christians so gravely warn all unbelievers to be reconciled to God by simply trusting Christ’s death, burial and resurrection for his or her sin (1 Cor 15:1-4).

    If you have not done that, or if religion has been in your way, dump it NOW and be sure! Orlando proves that none of us knows when death will come. But when it comes, our eternity will be fixed and no amount of prayers by the living will change it.

  5. Good works can’t cancel out sin. All accounts get squared with God, one way or another. Either we accept Christ’s having done rhe work for us or we bear the judgment ourselves and be cast into the Lake of Fire.

  6. Religion of peace?
    Where is this peace?
    I see no peace.
    They want to put humans down like dogs, and call it kindness.
    I see war, hatred, bigotry, racism and most of all, cruelty.
    In fact in Islam I see every attribute of of the darkness of man.
    Where are the acts of Kindness?
    Where are the acts of Nobility?
    Where are acts of selflessness?
    If those people are not stopped, there will be no human race.
    They will have endless war until all the infidels are gone or subjugated.
    Then they will have ‘internal’ wars over piety.
    Then wars over resources.
    Then wars over application of punishments.
    Then wars over food.
    Until their are just two bitter, twisted old men in wheelchairs who stab each other in the neck.

  7. Well since I am Catholic let me clear the air and say our prayers for
    the dead ARE from scripture but you Protestants wouldn’t know it unless you read The Holy Bible. The Holy Bible that contain the Canonical books before the Reformation.
    2 Maccabees Chapter 12

  8. I submitted this in answer to the words of Bishop Robert Lynch of Florida who stated:

    “it is religion, including our own,which targets, mostly verbally,and also often breeds contempt for gays,lesbians and transgender people.”

    I have never heard a harsh word from the pulpit regarding gays. However, as Michael Voris has being saying for years now, the gays have infiltrated the Catholic Church and weakened it. Check out “Church Militant.” TV.
    The God I believe in is a forgiving God. And should you be taken suddenly by a Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, or die for lack of DDT as did the misfortunate people of Africa;
    or suddenly, as in the Twin Towers on 9/11/01, or the Pulse in Orlando, if you led a decent life, He will give you a fare shake, no matter condition your underwear is in. And yes, I do pray for the dead just to remind Him.

  9. “Well since I am Catholic let me clear the air and say our prayers for
    the dead ARE from scripture but you Protestants wouldn’t know it unless you read The Holy Bible. The Holy Bible that contain the Canonical books before the Reformation.
    2 Maccabees Chapter 12”

    I’ve had Catholics tell me for years that Rome “gave us” the King James Bible. Okay, let’s run with that a second.

    If that’s true, then the KJB must be reliable as is. It’s missing nothing.

    The KJB contains NOT ONE WORD on praying to or for people who have died.

    It DOES indicate there’s no hope after death; only glory or judgment depending on whether one had believed the Gospel of the grace of God.

    So which is it?

    Do we need the apocrypha, as Catholics like you claim?

    Or are we fine with the KJB, which other Catholics claim Rome gave us?

    Pick one, please, because you can’t have both.

  10. Is it true the NT section of the Douay Rheims contains no apocrypha? Only the OT section does?

    That means one can’t even build a Christian case for praying to or for the dead from the usual Catholic NT. To do it, you have to go back to (if memory serves) ONE apocryphal book that is arguably not even OT canon.

  11. Grool, that is one of the best, simplest explanations i have read in quite a while. Thank You.

    BTW, i discovered if i refresh this page, I can continue to give you thumbs up.

    How long has that up arrow at the bottom right of the page been there? It is very convenient.

  12. With this president, and even before him, it has been the desire to divide groups into minorities and proclaim the majority as the bad guys.
    Gays consider Muslims to be oppressed by the majority, therefore, enemy of my (perceived) enemy, etc.
    Why are we perceived as the enemy when we bend over backwards to accommodate everyone?
    Ask president “divide and fundamentally transform.”

    BTW, Charlie, the HOME button does the same as the arrow.

  13. Grool,
    It’s simple, I don’t use the KJB
    The apocryphal books as the Protestants like to call it, is inspired by God as Pope Damasus claimed and was proven so because after the findings of the Dead Sea scrolls they were uses in their services by the Jews in Alexandria.
    Palestinian Jews did not use them in their OT nor did the Jews accept the NT.

  14. @bob_annon June 18, 2016 at 7:17 am

    Don’t the catholics pray for the dead?

    Remember, many consider catholicism to be representative of all Christianity.

    Well, the Mormons baptize for the dead so in their minds those 50 gays are saved. No reason to pray for the dead, I don’t get what prayer does for them in the big picture of things.

  15. I don’t know if Mormons still baptize for the dead but when they did it, they based it on a horrible misreading of just one passage from the Apostle Paul. They completely missed Paul’s point.

    Just fyi, the last person I downthumbed was some drive by troll about a month back.

  16. You can prayer for the dead. It’s so easy!

    (when Obama’s dead)

    “Lord. Please have that nasty demon ram a pitchfork down Obama’s throat non-stop today. AMEN!” 😇

  17. Grool,
    The Protestants didn’t take it as is. If they did the 7 deuterocanonical books would have remained.
    The Douay Rheims was written before the KJB and thus is the ONLY Bible that is the complete Bible translated to English from the Latin Vulgate.

  18. @grool: Why do you think the Mormons are into genealogy? You get baptized by the Mormons by proxy. Meanwhile, 50 gays are dead and that’s 50 of them that won’t be suing bakers, florists, or the clergy. Interesting that they shoved their behavior down our throats demanding that we accept them, and the muzzies shoved it down 50 gays throats with threats of more to come. Muzzie have nothing to lose, it’s an honor for them to die in the name of Allah, whereas gays are scared shitless now.

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