Christie And Huckabee Kicked From Main Debate – IOTW Report

Christie And Huckabee Kicked From Main Debate

christie hucakbee

LonelyConservative: Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee were informed tonight that they will be cut from the main event at the next Republican presidential primary debate hosted by Fox Business Network and the Wall Street Journal. To qualify for the main debate candidates had to have at least 2.5% in four of the most recent polls, and Christie and Huckabee fell short, according to the Washington Examiner.

13 Comments on Christie And Huckabee Kicked From Main Debate

  1. Gilmore and Graham are out all together. If the marginal won’t leave then this criteria excludes them anyway. Very appropriate, this should help cut down on the circus atmosphere.

  2. MSNBC Morning Joe is spastic about Christie being forced out of the main event.

    Yeah watch Morning Joe. I like to start my day off with a good dose of humor and bullshit.

  3. the blondes facial expressions alone are worth the waste of time spent watching joe and his “anal”ysts spew their group think like it was God’s wisdom from mount Sinai.

    the faces she makes crack me up.

  4. What Death by Farts said, but I’d whittle it down even further. I like Carson as a person, but there’s something there I don’t like about his being president. I don’t want to spend another 8 years with someone trying to take our guns.

  5. Thank you! So sick of hearing about Ben Carson.

    Every time he opens his mouth he has to come back later and explain what he “meant to say”. Say it right the first time or shut the heck up. When you’re constantly having to explain yourself it undermines my confidence in your convictions.

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