Christie’s Tony Soprano Act at Debate Shows Why He Should Never be President – IOTW Report

Christie’s Tony Soprano Act at Debate Shows Why He Should Never be President

chris christie

Downtrend: With the national attention focused on Donald Trump during last night’s Republican debate one of the lesser candidates showed why he should never be allowed to preside over the most massive police and surveillance state in U.S. history.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, the very definition of a fascist pig made it clear that he has nothing but contempt for the U.S. Constitution as well as a hair trigger temper that should forever disqualify him from holding the nuclear launch codes.

Christie, who practically jacked off Emperor Barack Obama while touring the ruins of Superstorm Sandy back in 2012, engaged in an insane diatribe directed at Rand Paul over the NSA Stasi’s illegal surveillance program. Mr. Christie also engaged in some shameless exploitation by playing the 9/11 card.


11 Comments on Christie’s Tony Soprano Act at Debate Shows Why He Should Never be President

  1. @Tim:

    Liberty weighs heavily on the strong. It demands much. Most will slough liberty in exchange for safety. Or the illusion of such, which is all that can be promised in any case.

  2. Can’t argue with that.

    If it “weighs heavily on the strong” you can bet it “crushes the weak” which is probably why socialism is so popular among the lazy and stupid.

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