Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Admits Ford Came Forward For Political Reasons – IOTW Report

Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Admits Ford Came Forward For Political Reasons


“In the aftermath of these hearings, I believe that Christine’s testimony brought about more good than the harm misogynist Republicans caused by allowing Kavanaugh on the court,” Katz says in the video. “He will always have an asterisk next to his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade, we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him, and that is important; it is important that we know, and that is part of what motivated Christine.”


19 Comments on Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Admits Ford Came Forward For Political Reasons

  1. “He will always have an asterisk next to his name…”

    um, no …. no he won’t

    his decisions will live long after your ugly, black heart is long dead … deal w/ it

  2. Once years ago in a Barcelona whorehouse I met a broad like Balsy, we chatted for a while but she bored the shit out of me. Never shut up, never stopped flipping the hair out of her eyes, fucking annoyed me. I went for a cute little Russian whore instead. Ah, those were the days. Today a young man doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking to.

  3. lying under oath to congress is actually illegal….

    why is she still walking free?

    ……and yet……michael flynn………

    this country has a real justice department problem..

    calling william barr…..calling william barr..

  4. BFH Her eyes are so close together in reality a person could poke her in both eyes simultaneously with one finger.
    Her child like voice during testimony was obviously rehearsed to influence the democrazy base.
    ” I remember it frightened my reptile brain”
    When Barr is done with Comey and Strozk and obozo, he should incarcerate this brain damaged bimbo and Diane Feinstien too.
    So many obvious crimes and so few prosecutors.

  5. What I found so insulting was that they expected the public to believe this lying fraud in the first place. It was so obvious she was perpetrating this to smear the candidate and yet in the hearings both sides handled her so carefully so as not to offend her. She should have been tossed out on her fat ass.

  6. 🚨🚨 DO YOU EVER NOTICE….. 🚨🚨

    That everything related to abortion, and stopping abortion is the WORST THING IMAGINABLE, except:

    🔴 Being sexually irresponsible
    🔴 Too cheap to by contraceptives
    🔴 Too stupid to use them effectively
    🔴 Bring a child to full term
    🔴 Have the baby disassembled and sucked out with a vacuum
    🔴 Reassembled on the table to check for parts
    🔴 Parts sold off for stem cell research
    🔴 Woman gets someone else to pay for it

    Is it just me, or anyone recording abortionist conversations about this, revelations about details of abortion, asking people to be sexually / financially responsible, or any hint of reducing our role in this barbaric act causes these nuts to foam-at-the-mouth in brainwashing fashion?

    I for one am sick of the histrionics, crazy diversions, and excuse-making by these people. They are demonic, that’s the only explanation.

  7. These crazy fanatical activist types ALWAYS believe that they’re doing something ‘good’ for a ‘just cause’.

    (And they’re always leftists. And it always leads to communism and dictatorships. Funny how that works.)


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