Christine Ford Had To Ask Her Best Friend/Bridesmaid If She Ever Told Her That She Was Assaulted in High School – IOTW Report

Christine Ford Had To Ask Her Best Friend/Bridesmaid If She Ever Told Her That She Was Assaulted in High School

Sounds an awful lot like Ford’s lawyers and sympathetic senators are desperate to find anyone that can corroborate her  tale.

The defining moment of her lie life, the moment she was traumatized forever, and she’s not sure if she ever mentioned it to her best friend?? Absolutely ludicrous.

Oddly, the NY Times is the one that revealed this tidbit, but they did it in a piece that was supposed to be supportive of Ford’s claims.

The text message from Christine Blasey Ford this summer worried her college best friend, Catherine Piwowarski.

Over their years of friendship — as roommates, bridesmaids and parents on opposite coasts — Dr. Blasey wanted to know, had she ever confided that she had been sexually assaulted in high school?

No, Ms. Piwowarski said she texted back, she would have remembered that, and was everything O.K.? Dr. Blasey didn’t want to speak in detail quite yet, her friend recalled her responding. “I don’t know why she was asking that or what it ultimately meant or didn’t mean,” Ms. Piwowarski said in an interview, but she remembers thinking that the question betrayed deep turmoil.

So far, no one, NO ONE, has come forward that can say they knew about this contemporaneously. No one heard about this until 2012, and even then Kavanaugh’s name was not mentioned.

Ford’s friend noticed “deep turmoil” only this summer, which is when Ford sent the letter to Feinstein. Feinstein probably asked her to find some corroborating witnesses. Her “turmoil” had nothing to do with her “reliving” an assault 36 years ago, and everything to do with, “my lie just got real. I’m knee deep with senators and they want proof. I didn’t expect that.”

I suspect she wanted the conversation with her friend to go a little like this-

Ford- Did I ever tell you I was sexually assaulted in high school?

Piwowarski – Maybe. I think. Refresh my memory.

Ford- I was groped at a party… I escaped just before I was raped.

Piwowarski – Oh my God, you told me something about it, I think. I didn’t know you were almost raped.

Ford- That kid was Trump’s SCOTUS pick.

Piwowarski – WHAT????????? You have to go tell your story. I have your back.

Ford’s turmoil is only going to get worse because she has nothing except her 36 year-old claim, and if that’s enough to derail a SCOTUS pick, God help us all.

25 Comments on Christine Ford Had To Ask Her Best Friend/Bridesmaid If She Ever Told Her That She Was Assaulted in High School

  1. Read her own account of her High School Daze as told during Reunion Weekend at Holton-Arms (2014):
    “Dr. Christine Blasey’s ’84 life story contrasts markedly with Anne Armstrong’s goal-oriented path. Christine approached high school and even her first two years of college without much sense of direction. By her own admission, she was a troublemaker who performed well below her potential academically. Finally, during her junior year in college, a tough remonstrance from a friend brought her to her senses and she began to apply herself. She had a lot of slacking to make up for; psychology offered the easiest major to complete and graduate on time.”

  2. This morning establishment Republican radio that masquerades as Conservative Talk radio in Seattle was offering apologetic in the guise of: Oh perhaps someone who looks like the nominee, who wasn’t the nominee, they all had similar haircuts back dontcha’ know, jumped her.

    This the type of bullshit that made Donald Trump such a refreshing choice. The nominee said all that needs to be said and I paraphrase: I did no such thing and I can’t even recall even being at the party being referenced.

    These establishment Republicans or progressive Republicans or whatever name you want to apply to them habitually concede “good intentions” to the progressive movement and/or Democrats and it is so seldom warranted that the instances it would be appropriate to do so shrink to insignificance.

    KVI and John Carlson are not Constitutional conservatives except when it advances their agenda, they are establishment Republicans with all the baggage that that brings along with it and KTTH is even worse in that regard. They do have a few programs, nationally syndicated programs, that are hosted by Constitutional conservatives, but for the most part they are just interested in perpetuating the current dynamic, only with establishment Republicans running the show instead of Democrats.

    This is so obviously a smear job that Stevie Wonder could see it. It only serves the purpose of those advancing the phony baloney narrative to even go near concession of validity or good intentions

  3. Let’s see, the story is he took her to a bedroom at a party. He pushed her down on the bed and was snuggling up to her. His friend jumped on top of him and they toppled to the floor. She went to the bathroom. They left. She left.

    This is what she actually describes, right?

    Anything else as to potential motives is conjecture.

    I don’t know about you ladies here, but when I was in High School and even before then I had girls do more to me than that. I mean a lot more. There was one girl that kept trying to seduce me – in Home Room! This is just absolutely ridiculous. The entire fabrication doesn’t even pass the smell test of authentic High School kids.

  4. Just think of all the Republican Senators who voted for Ginsberg, Sotomayor, and Kagan without even bothering to thoroughly examine their Leftist lives and attitudes. Let this be the last time this lesson goes unlearned. If the Democrats get away with this character assassination, who will be exempt from the likes of Booker, Harris, Hirono, Blumenthal, Durbin, Leahy and Feinstein after the next election? What a bunch of amoral partisan hacks. So much for bipolar bipartisanship.

  5. Ring…

    “Hi, Cathy, this is Christy.”

    “Oh hiiii!… How are you.”

    “Fine. Say, I was wondering… Would you be willing to commit felony perjury and contempt of Congress on my behalf, so I can land a million dollar book deal next year?”




  6. Nobody says men are horn dogs and chumps better than a graduate from Holden Arms.

    I’d like to know who the girls are with the highest “bag limits”. Blasey’s 60 must have paled in comparison to J——-‘s 600, M—–‘s 1450, or G——–‘s 2702.
    Heck, during breaks they were picking men up off the streets. We need some of them to step forward. “Yea, I was on Pike and Main, or was it 1st or 2nd(?) yea that was it”.

  7. This biatch lived less than a mile from me!
    I knew girls that went to Holton-Arms School. Most were really nice, but others were tramps.
    The story goes that if you saw one wearing part of their uniform at a party, that it was a clue that….well, you know…

  8. Okay, I admit, I was there. I saw the whole thing. Chrissy was Nude except for a lampshade on her head. She was straddling Eric Holder, who was playing a flute for Barky O. Elena Kagan had some kind of thrusting contraption with a kick starter that was running full blast. I remember it like it was yesterday…..


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