Christmas Ads From Around The World To Melt Your Hearts – IOTW Report

Christmas Ads From Around The World To Melt Your Hearts

The ads from abroad raise a lot of interesting questions, like why don’t we see more of these in the States? Do these commercials really work where more people are turning their backs on Christianity ( nearly a third or Europeans say they’re non-believers) or were never majority Christian to begin with (there’s at least one Thai ad in the bunch)?

Which advertisement pulled at your heart strings the hardest or did you find the blatant manipulation off putting? Watch

10 Comments on Christmas Ads From Around The World To Melt Your Hearts

  1. Are we too jaded and cynical in The United States for these obvious appeals to sentimentality to work on us? Perhaps we’ve been so inundated with crass commercialism for the average American to pay attention to the ad long enough to achieve an emotional reaction.

    I’d like to think that we American’s are already considerate and community oriented that being kind to those in need is not as novel notion as it is in nations that are more socialist.

  2. I watched the whole thing–my take away is that there are a lot of sad children in these ads and of course no hint of Jesus. I liked the Publix one the best.

    Merry Christmas–Alleluia Christ is Born.

  3. Is it me or did I notice in the couple days before Christmas while shopping in our big town of the county that unknown people were extra friendly and when I would initiate it too, I got very pleasant reactions? More so that any other year I can recall. We are sick of covid and stolen elections and fake news!!!

  4. i like my Christmas without commercials.

    And since i dont watch broadcast tv, i dont see any of these and i dont miss them.

    i told my sons wife about a hilarious budweiser/superbowl ad about a horse, a sleigh, a cake with candles and flatulence. Funniest Christmas ad ever.

  5. You want me to watch an hour of commercials…. from weird Yurrupeon nations?

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah……oh mercy.

    Would rather celebrate Kwanzaa.


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