Christopher Columbus Deserves To Be Hit in the Head With an Ax According to People in Detroit – IOTW Report

Christopher Columbus Deserves To Be Hit in the Head With an Ax According to People in Detroit



ht/ Rob E.

15 Comments on Christopher Columbus Deserves To Be Hit in the Head With an Ax According to People in Detroit

  1. Ahh Detroit…what a Mecca for the goat heads and pig farmers…a once great city collapsed into a pile of stinking shit……hand it to the Dhimmos…..they do such good demolition work, don’t they?

  2. Actually the democrats that run Detroitistan should have the same treatment. Might stop the downhill slide to third world status…Maybe not Detroitistan is to far gone…

  3. I always accuse my progressive nitwit colleagues of anti-Semitism when they start this nonsense about CC.

    In 1492 Isabella and Ferdinand issued an edict of expulsion regarding the Jews; that decree stated every person of Jewish ancestry had to leave Spain or be executed. Several Jewish businessmen went to CC (who was a Genoese Jew whose family had converted to Christianity most likely under duress, and pledged to finance his efforts to find a new land for the Jews. They bought two of the three ships which would ultimately cross the ocean and discover the land which would later become America.

    Incidentally, Benjamin Netanyahu’s father, Dr. Benzion Netanyahu, was one of the world’s foremost authorities on this particular topic/era.

    And, this isn’t speculation. Most of this is recorded in CC’s own words in his writings, “The Book of Prophecies” and his journals. He had hoped to find place that would be a home to Christianity and a refuge for the Jewish people and his hope was to also find the gold of Ophir, the booty from King Solomon’s mine, to finance his endeavors.

    So the leftist distain for CC is quite predictable as is their insistence on erasing him from American history.

  4. how much you wanna bet that the perpetrator was some sort of Elizabeth Warren Fauxahantus type that’s scamming the system ’cause they have high cheekbones & tan easily….’effin’ pissants
    …& as part Italian ancestry I’m highly offended


  5. Had CC just stayed home, living with Moms, eating some Dominos purchased on his EBT card, playing the 1492 version of Madden Futbol, instead of setting out and sailing the Ocean blue…

    Well, just imagine the paradise the Stone Age savages he encountered in the “New Indies” would have now.

  6. Yes, we need an “indaingeinus Peoples Day”! Columbus sucked big time! He raped, pillaged and enslaved those he conquered! The Indiangenius people were like really cool kids that hugged trees and cried when they fried the buffalo they ate. No need to look at indian history, just trust that Columbus sucked. Ignore the fact that in the 1860’s only 5% of white southerners owned African slaves vs. 7.4% of Cherokees owned African slaves. Ignore the fact that the Cherokees, as late as 2014 are still fighting the treaty of 1866 that gave their slaves equal rights! Yes, while we have recent court battles going on to keep the money that flows to indians who are fighting to keep that cash out of African-Indians wallets, lets throw Chris under the boat!

    Ignoring history is fun! Even if that history is almost 1 year old!

    (BTW, the NYT ran a story on this on page 1193 just below the obituaries not long ago…)

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