Christopher Hitchens on Muslims – IOTW Report

Christopher Hitchens on Muslims

9 Comments on Christopher Hitchens on Muslims

  1. Muzloids: Hive-minded, relious Communists in lockstep with Satan.
    America became successful, rich generous and the most powerfull nation on Earth because it valued individualism.
    Today’s democRATz are Hive-Minded Communists in lockstep with Stupid… and are just like them by sharing the same goal: Destroy the West!

  2. Mo-hamid, designed his “religion” to appeal to the “gang bangers” of his day and, it still does. Rape, pillage, and murder your way into heaven. What degenerate could pass that up?

  3. Salt the area around “The Rock” with something toxic, slow acting and communicable.
    When they have their annual hajj and circle The Rock, they’ll pick up the “whatever”, and spread it when they go home.
    Lather, rinse, repeat annually.

  4. Evil people would rather rule over ruins than participate in prosperity.
    They just use their “religion”, “politics”, “race”, “color”, “gender”, or any other “identity”, as a “justification” for their quest for power.

  5. Turn mecca and medina into radioactive glass a meter thick. Make sure not a stone is on a stone. Dare the Muslim world to do anything about it. Tell them Riyadh is next up. We have all the oil we need right here.

    But then,I’m a moderate


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