Christopher Steele Fears Deposition Will Put Dossier Sources At Risk – IOTW Report

Christopher Steele Fears Deposition Will Put Dossier Sources At Risk

DC: Former British spy Christopher Steele is resisting efforts to face a deposition in a lawsuit over his infamous dossier.

Steele’s lawyers argued in a court in London that a deposition would put the former spy’s dossier sources at risk as well as endanger U.K. national security interests.

Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian businessman identified in the dossier, is seeking Steele’s deposition as part of a lawsuit against BuzzFeed News, which published the unverified document on Jan. 10, 2017.

The dossier alleges, among other things, that Gubarev used his tech companies to hack into Democrats’ email systems. He is also suing Steele in London, where the ex-MI6 agent is based.  read more

10 Comments on Christopher Steele Fears Deposition Will Put Dossier Sources At Risk

  1. Yeah, getting the Russian names from him oughta be fun…as much as finding out how much of the document was written by Nellie Ohr, and grilling her butt about it!

    (alternating between popcorn, chips and nachos for all the fun!)

  2. “Steele’s British lawyer, Gavin Millar, also argued that Steele was the target of a “fishing expedition”

    Hahahahahahahaaa one man’s “fishing expedition” is another man’s “witch hunt”, Gavin.

    Or “karma”, Steven King.

  3. Please help me understand why this man is so defensive about his great work exposing Russian collusion and golden showers? It’s almost like he didn’t get overpaid to slander and defame Hillary Clinton’s political nemesis. Where is his pride of authorship? His dossier was so over the top, that even Trump’s most ardent opponents wouldn’t print it in time to wreck his getting elected. Things will be made right when his solicitors and barristers get through defending him, because he’s going to be a homeless beggar with any luck.

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