Chuck Schumer Abandons Plan For Puerto Rico Statehood – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Abandons Plan For Puerto Rico Statehood


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer flipped on his position over Puerto Rican statehood this week, declaring his opposition to the idea after having endorsed it last year.

During a community Zoom meeting Thursday, Schumer said he now opposes Puerto Rican statehood. “I don’t agree with them, I’m not going to support their statehood bill,” Schumer said of legislation from Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres that would open the door to Puerto Rico becoming a state. More

17 Comments on Chuck Schumer Abandons Plan For Puerto Rico Statehood

  1. I am surprised that Puerto Rico wants to be a state. We lived in Hawai’i and most people there are still bitter about being a state. There are a lot more advantages to being a territory.

  2. These maroons (Schumer et al) are truly the gang who can’t shoot straight.

    They are like the dirt poor town idiot who won the lottery and doesn’t know what to buy first. They really don’t have a plan other than to say “Orange Man Bad, conservatives bad, Rush Limbo sucks, and such.”

    Meanwhile the election was stolen, Biden is not, never was, and never will be the legitimate President of the United States.

  3. As I recall that there have been several votes in Puerto Rico over the years regarding statehood. If I am not mistaken, the result is usually “hell no.”

    I wonder if Schumer found out that a majority of Puerto Rican’s would be Republicans.

  4. What’s wrong Chuck?!?
    I bet Puerto Rico residents don’t wanna have to start paying the federal personal income tax when they become a state.
    They have ALL benefits & protections of being a US citizens now without having to pay a federal income tax. Why change for Democrats sake.

  5. I could be wrong….Isn’t Texas geared up to divide itself into 5 separate states if they so want??

    If so, that could put the liberal ASSHOLES into a tailspin.
    I can’t remember where I read that.

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