Chuck Schumer Is Masterminding A Plot To Create A “Cartel” He Controls… – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Is Masterminding A Plot To Create A “Cartel” He Controls…

What a slime.

Just like corralling people into the cities is an easier way to control, so is corralling media into one entity.


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has held talks with Microsoft about the Journalism Competition and Preservation act (JCPA), a bill that would allow media companies to form a cartel, exempting them from antitrust law for the sole purpose of colluding with Big Tech companies for advantages over their competitors.

Excluding any media outlet that does not have a “dedicated professional editorial staff,” the bill would allow the newly-formed national media cartel to pressure Big Tech companies to give more ad revenue to the likes of BuzzFeed and the New York Times, as well as favor them in search results and news feed algorithms.

The bill has been slammed from all points of the political spectrum, as well as by independent antitrust and communications law experts who call it a gift to some of the wealthiest and most powerful media companies in the world.


14 Comments on Chuck Schumer Is Masterminding A Plot To Create A “Cartel” He Controls…

  1. Statist totalitarianism, the Media, and Big Tech are already colluding to destroy America and any semblance of Liberty left in the World – this would give that collusion a patina of legitimacy.

    Schumer’s been a traitor for decades and this exemplifies his sundry treasons.

    There needs to be a purge.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Susan Collins has said she will not run again and she has gone full blown commie.
    This would not only give Chuckie big power the big pharma companies would love it.

  3. The first sdtep to preserving journalism is to stop entrusting it to journalism majors!!! These mouth-breathers majored in journalism because they thought teaching grade-school English was “too hard!”

  4. “gift to some of the wealthiest and most powerful”

    So it’s just like every other piece of legislation that congress has passed in the last, oh I don’t know…, at least 120 years.

  5. All great communist leaders took control of the media: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Marx, Lenin, Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Kim II-Sung, Castro, Trudeau, Pelosi and Schumer

  6. @Tim – FJB July 19, 2022 at 8:12 am

    > Schumer’s been a traitor for decades

    Colonial rulers, can only betray, the foreign powers, they serve.

    Schmuckles, gleefully, harms, the Americans he rules. Above and beyond the looting, for export.

    That is not treason. Never was. It is, something… else.

  7. fnuck, son of fnord,
    Certainly don’t want to contradict you, but, according to the Preamble of the Constitution “We the People of the United States … blah, blah, blah … do ordain and establish …” thus establishing “We the People” as sovereign.

    If we accept the premise that deceiving one’s sovereign while defrauding one’s sovereign is Treason – or that violating one’s Oath of Office is Treason – then Schumer is undoubtedly and inarguably a Traitor.

    But, do enlighten us what that something … else … may be?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim – FJB July 20, 2022 at 9:09 am

    > according to the Preamble of the Constitution “We the People of the United States

    According to the residents of The United States, The Constitution says whatever the pharisees of SCOTUS say is says. This, the current, day. Subject to change without notice.

    > But, do enlighten us what that something … else … may be?

    If x does not equal y, can not equal y, how will enumerating y, “enlighten” anyone?

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