Chuck Schumer Said After Dems Lost Senate He Never Dreamed They Would Have Such An Easy Time Getting Their Agenda Passed – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Said After Dems Lost Senate He Never Dreamed They Would Have Such An Easy Time Getting Their Agenda Passed

And whose fault is that??? Ted Cruz identifies him by name-



“Mitch McConnel is the most effective democrat leader of modern times.” – Ted Cruz

10 Comments on Chuck Schumer Said After Dems Lost Senate He Never Dreamed They Would Have Such An Easy Time Getting Their Agenda Passed

  1. Democrats understand power and are unafraid to wield it. they are many things but lacking in party discipline is not one of them.
    That is what makes democrats so dangerous.

    Republicans are just plain stupid.

    I will take stupid over dangerous but, it seems the Republicans have taken it to a whole new level of stupid so as to be dangerous pawns. May Ryan loose his seat this November.

  2. That’s what they said about obola v McLame and then, unbelievably, he got a second term.

    Please don’t say you’re also grateful for obamacare. Physicians that retired early won’t likely come back.

  3. Chuck’s a fucking liar.

    He’s known that McConnell was a traitorous, Menshevik, lying, sack of monkey-shit, turn-coat, NaZi cocksucker since he met him.

    McConnell would ass-fuck his infant grandson on nationwide TV during prime time if he thought Obola would approve and say something nice about him.

    The man’s a fucking puke.
    So’s Chuck, for that matter.

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