Chuck Schumer Says Feds Will Spend $18,000,000 to Buy Grape Juice to Subsidize Vineyard Owners – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Says Feds Will Spend $18,000,000 to Buy Grape Juice to Subsidize Vineyard Owners

( – Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D.-N.Y.) announced yesterday that the federal government will spend up to $18,000,000 to buy Concord grape juice in an effort to increase the price that New York farmers can get for their grapes.

In a letter to Agricultural Secretary Sonny Perdue urging him to have the government buy the grape juice, Sen. Schumer noted that there are “more than 280 growers with over 9,700 acres” of Concord grape vineyards in New York State.

“I write to encourage the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) to utilize its statutory authority under Section 32 of the Agriculture Act of 1935 to conduct a bonus buy purchase of Concord grape juice as soon as possible,” Schumer wrote Perdue. “This critical bonus buy would help ensure the continued success of Concord grape growers in New York and nationwide, while also helping to supplement the USDA’s supply for nutrition programs.

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26 Comments on Chuck Schumer Says Feds Will Spend $18,000,000 to Buy Grape Juice to Subsidize Vineyard Owners

  1. You pay twice,
    1st- Schumer is using your tax $18 million dollars to prop up a free market NY Industry.
    2nd- the price you pay for grape products (grape drinks, wine, jams, jellies, etc.) will cost more.

    Schumer is repaying the taxpayers generosity with higher costs while he benefits personally and politically.

    Typical Schumer democrat.

  2. So Agricultural Secretary Sonny Perdue, a Trump appointee is greasing Schumer and feathering his bed?
    And Schumer is doing what?

    He denigrates and obstructs Trump, his agenda, legislation, the Administration, appointees and feeds fake news to the media.
    Yeah, Dept. of Agriculture, Good move assholes.

  3. This is the definition of pork. Why spend 1855.67 per acre or 64,285.71 per grower for democrats Schumer and Gillibrand’s pet projects. This is a New York state issue, let them pay for it. I’m tired of pols dipping into the treasury like it was their own personal piggy bank and increasing costs for the taxpayer as a result.

  4. I don’t know about New York, but from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean the amount of acreage planted with grapes is incredible. How much wine can we possibly consume? Falling prices are the natural consequence, and as always the government is expected to provide the safety net. Next up? Marijuana farmers.

  5. So the USDA is going to “utilize its statutory authority under Section 32 of the Agriculture Act of 1935 to conduct a bonus buy purchase of Concord grape juice”, huh?

    I guess that makes all of us consumers victims of statutory grape.

  6. cfm990— Pelosi does, in SF. Im sure a lot of them have part ownership in something like that.

    why aren’t they selling off the grapes to soap makers, cosmetics companies [shampoos,face creams, body lotions], and dairies? There are people who buy grapes just to keep their red hairdye fresh. Don’t tell me that can’t sell that shit off. Sell the townspeople some bags for a fixed price and tell them to come pick whatever fits in the bag.

  7. My grandparents owned 3 small vineyards in Europe. They were big raisin producers, but they also sold grapes to use for oil, wine, soap and some kind of vinegar.
    You can use 100% of every grape vine, right down to the wood.

    Dept. of Ag better not even be thinking of paying for schumer’s bullshit.

  8. Sonny Perdue was a lying, gutless, immoral, coward of an political hack when he was governor of GA. Obviously, nothing has changed. I was extremely disappointed when Trump appointed him to anything and this article proves exactly why.

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