Chuck Todd Tries Booking Dead Congressman – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd Tries Booking Dead Congressman

Fox News

A GOP lawmaker was invited to appear on Chuck Todd’s show on Friday, but the odds of him being able to appear are very grim. 

Zack Brown, who previously served as the communications director for Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, shared a screenshot of an email he received inviting Young to be interviewed on Todd’s program “Meet the Press NOW” on the NBC News NOW streaming network. 

Except Young died in March at age 88More

13 Comments on Chuck Todd Tries Booking Dead Congressman

  1. They knew Rep. Brown was dead before they sent the invite out. They just want to claim that a GOP representative “refused” a request to comment. That’s exactly the kind of thing a slimy piece of shit like Todd would do.

  2. Have said many, many times the last 50 years
    “Libs only read other libs”. My classic proof was “RATHERGATE”. As ACE pointed out 18 years ago; Dan wasted hundreds of hours fabricating bogus docs and then coping the copies of the copies at Kinkos. All he had to do was link conservative comments made 13 and 14 years earlier about GHWB’s “yellow belly” son pulling strings to get into TANG so he would never be exposed to enemy fire! But Dan, like Chucks never actually read a conservative statement.

    When the left says it knows what conservative say IT IS lie! RATHERGATE is Prima Facie evidence.

    FOR THOSE <60.
    When JFK invaded (Chu Lai- I was there 4 times AFTER the invasion by 4 or 5 years.) he made it clear no national guard would be sent to war. Conservatives also blasted Quail for the same reason as coward GWB; fire directed at all cowardly "Neocons" not just GWB.


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