Chuckie Schumer Can’t Stand Winning – IOTW Report

Chuckie Schumer Can’t Stand Winning


SCHUMER MELTDOWN: Chuck Schumer SLAMS Trump for Prisoner Release

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners held by North Korea; suggesting the hostages were used as “bargaining chips.”

Schumer offered his scathing critique just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the Korean peninsula with the three prisoners by his side; saying “No regime has the right to hold American citizens in captivity without cause, and under no circumstances should American citizens be viewed as bargaining chips.”

Read the rest here.

21 Comments on Chuckie Schumer Can’t Stand Winning

  1. Schmuckles is even more stupid than I realized if he thinks we’re stupid enough to think DJT had to give up something to secure the release of the three Americans the NORKs were holding. It was the other way around, Schmuckles.

  2. It embarrasses me to say I’m from the People’s Republic of NY and that piece of garbage is my senator. My only consolation is that perhaps my finest moment as a Tea Party activist was to confront that lying bastard with the truth at a local street fair so relentlessly that he ran out of there scowling and mad as hell!

  3. You go ahead and push that narrative, Chuck. “Fuck you, hostages; I want you to remain in a NoKo labor camp until you resemble Otto Warmbir because I’m worried about you being a bargaining chip.”

    Maybe Obama would grovel before Un, but the NoKos are scared of Trump. They don’t want Trump to give up anything; they want Trump to leave them alone and not kill their leaders. And that’s what good foreign policy looks like.

  4. Envy. Incompetence. Mortified.

    Because Obama: traded five top-level GITMO terrorists for that POS Bergdahl; gave a state sponsor of terrorism billions of dollars in return for -nothing- while they continued to hold American hostages, buzz our ships, and generally act like assholes; ignored Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi rotting pointlessly in a Mexican jail…

  5. Trump should announce that since
    scumChuck is so unhappy with the
    hostage release that he will allow
    him to personally escort the hostages back to NK any time within the next 24 hours.

  6. Hay John,
    We should have a free cargo lift to NorKor with any liberal politicians who want to replace those who were released. The great benefit to them is their choice will never be questioned or followed up on.

  7. I don’t recall Chuckie ever talking about the marine jailed in Mexico for accidentally crossing the border with a firearm.

    I always believe the real reason BHO did nothing was because of Fast & Furious. He lied in a speech in Mexico, in the presence of the President of Mexico, and apologized for the guns coming from USA, some of which his DOJ allowed. The poor marine paid for that.

    I do believe Trump, as a private citizen, got the marine released.


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