Church Holds Drag Queen Event For Children – IOTW Report

Church Holds Drag Queen Event For Children

LA Times-

Fairview began hosting Autumn Rose for monthly readings in July. The first event was sleepy, said pastor Sarah Halverson-Cano. The next one, in August, drew opponents.

Security and legal observers outnumbered the roughly half-dozen protesters who came and went over about two hours. One person volunteered to DJ a “dance party” on the lawn behind the fluttering tarp wall, which drowned out protesters’ exhortations with Beyonce and Elton John.

Beverly Welch said she protested the event because she believes “it is not only the indoctrination but sexualization of young children.”

“With society, especially in California, pushing gender dysmorphia as normal [and] introducing children, who are already confused beyond belief, to a man, dressed as a woman and treating it as normal, is unacceptable,” she said. “Drag was created as adult entertainment, period. Children are children for a very short time, we need to allow them to stay children.”

The Frosts, who are not religious, said they told their older child that some people didn’t like what was happening inside the church. They did not tell him exactly why.

The boy does understand that a drag queen is a man in a dress, but he sees the story hour as a dress-up party time event with an entertainer like a clown, his mother said. He offered Autumn Rose presents — a gift card to Sephora to buy more makeup and a purse with a hand-painted portrait of the queen in character.

Frost said she has taken the kids to a drag queen story time in Los Angeles without issue but at last month’s Fairview event the opponents took photos of kids, surrounded cars pulling out of the parking lot and shouted about child molesters, she said.

“This is terrorism,” she said. “The desire to create fear to get your way.”


The Pastor HERE

ht/ hot salsa

21 Comments on Church Holds Drag Queen Event For Children

  1. Just imagine for a moment if a Catholic Church held an event such as this? With the church’s past history of child sexual abuse the media (and the public) would quite rightly go crazy and I’d bet you’d see a church burning in quick order. This is likely a case of identifying and grooming vulnerable children who are still a little weak willed and unsure of themselves but with support would grow up just fine unless these people got their claws into them. Maybe it’s time to swing back hard at this “church”

  2. “Pastor Sara….” Well, that’s all I needed to know.

    Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

    And WHY AREN’T Bible-based churches calling these frauds, who consider themselves the body of Christ, out?

  3. Attending a church is like you being responsible for your own health care. If your doctor tells you to do something, you are responsible for questioning why. You must do your own research and if you don’t think he is right, you must tell him. You are the only one who really cares about your health.

    Just so for your eternal soul. If your church starts doing something questionable, it’s your responsibility to look into it and confront the church leadership if you feel it’s not Biblical. You are responsible for what you get out of and put into your church. If they don’t listen, kick the dust off your sandals and move on.

    I’ve had experience in both areas. You don’t have to accept wrong teaching or wrong treatments.

  4. @Claudia — So very true! We’re not quibbling over debatable issues of doctrine, no! The Bible is quite clear about women serving in the church and being a minister, pastor, bishop over the entire congregation is anti-Biblical. And forcing children to be exposed to a man posing as a woman isn’t either. I just heard that the majority of transgendered men are men who get their kicks from imagining themselves dressed in women’s clothing. They don’t necessarily want to be women, they want the sexual stimulation from it. That’s not a woman trapped in a man’s body!

  5. What kind of church allows this kind of crap in their congregation? This is not a Christian church by any stretch of the imagination. If my church ever were to do this or go totally SJW I would be gone in a New York minute and never ever go back. This is so wrong on every level. It’s one thing to love the sinner and hate the sin but to promote the sin and hate what the Bible says about truth is a one way ticket to Hell as far as I am concerned. I am so fed up with these holier than thou morons who think that they’re smarter than God and know and actively believe that we should all obey what they think is right in order to keep up with these perverted times. My God is not dead, their small g gods are totally dead and always have been and always will be. Forgive me for ranting but this really pisses me off.


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