CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake “UFO stories” when they want to distract the public – IOTW Report

CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake “UFO stories” when they want to distract the public

Revolver– On the day that Hunter Biden was scheduled to go to court, the U.S. government conveniently decided to hold a big congressional extravaganza on UFOs, complete with sketchy “whistleblowers” who claim the government is hiding dead aliens.

Of course, many folks on the right saw this as nothing more than a coordinated distraction maneuver, similar to how they “re-arrest” President Trump every time Joe has a scandal pop up. Although, overall, the feeling from a lot of Americans was rather “meh.” more

14 Comments on CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake “UFO stories” when they want to distract the public

  1. Play “I Heard it Through the Grapevine. The guy who testified said “he was told” or so-and-so has seen, or you’ll have to ask them. There was no proof other than this guys b/s story.

  2. The feds screwed up with that “cocaine in the White House” story, forgetting the CIA’s successes. They should have simply said the stuff was a weather balloon or ice crystals. Maybe swamp gas.

  3. Save your tinfoil to shield against dangerous elementary particle showers when the Sun goes boom. (You’ll also need really good sunglasses, 100 proof UV block out cream, a cave or bunker to hide in, lots of food and water and wood to burn for heat during the follow-on, planet-wide winter.

  4. CIA has a “well documented’ history of being liberal/ pro commie. Starting with “wild Bill” who was unable tp “Patton” any of the 50 KGB GENTS HOOVeR WANTED $100,000 TO HIRE 50 AGENTS TO GET IN 1942! IKE killed 2 of them! The rest – including the “Star’ of a current flick – never got caught. When “MikeY” in 1990 handed over to Ronnie a list of 10,000 KGB aGENTS WORKING IN AMERICA FROM ’40 TO ’80 ALL 50 OF J.EDGAR’S FOLK WERE ON IT! MICKEY GaVE IT T0 THE ex president was that many on the list were friends of GHWB. Mikey feared Bush would “memory Hole” it!

    naming a KGB agent friend pf Bush. Herr mueller!

    Liberals have hated Hover for 70 years for this! had FDR let Hoover hire the agents Sputnik would have been in the late 60’s or early 70’s. Russia would not have the “bomb” before 1965! Liberals will always hate J. Edgar for ex[osing the KGB – even if FDR kept him form stopping ;the KGB! Hover showed how the liberal CIA heads were not “pro America”.
    Naming just 2 “liberal CIA Americans last” heads: Wild Bill, GHWB! Yes the President when Mikey gave Ronny his list!

    Mueller inflames the liberal hate of Hoover!

    How ‘1984’ that herr Mueller would “investigate” Russian interference! Liberals have good reason to hate hoover. America lovers – I plead guilty; very guilty! – have good reason to honor an love him.

  5. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
    William Casey, former director of the CIA, upon being asked what the goal of the agency was (in 1981).

  6. What scares you more, the thought of there being other intelligence in the universe, or that we’re the only intelligent life?
    I vote for the 2nd one.

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