CIA leaves ‘explosives’ on bus that hauled kids to school for two days – IOTW Report

CIA leaves ‘explosives’ on bus that hauled kids to school for two days

loudon county schools cia forgets bomb

EAG: WASHINGTON, D.C. – A Loudoun County school bus hauled special needs students to and from school for days – about 145 miles – before officials realized the CIA left explosives in the engine compartment.

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and the CIA both confirmed in statements yesterday that the federal agency left the explosive “putty-type” of material in the engine compartment of the bus during a local K-9 training over spring break, The Washington Post reports.

The CIA contends the explosives “did not pose a danger to passengers on the bus,” according to a statement issued Thursday. MORE

8 Comments on CIA leaves ‘explosives’ on bus that hauled kids to school for two days

  1. If indeed it was a training exercise:

    #1 why would the CIA use “real” plastic explosives versus inert materials?
    #2 why would they use public school transportation for the exercise in a public area?
    #3 Why was there no accounting for the materials used after the exercise?

    Yep, these guys are professionals,
    right up there with the ATF(?).

  2. 1. I think they have to use the real substance for dog training since dogs smell it.
    2. It is good to use dogs around the actual equipment they will be faced with.
    3. Because they f,,ed up.

    No excuse for leaving it.

    Kind of like leaving a vehicle full of weapons in a motel parking lot to be stolen or hiring hookers. they are not professionals

  3. Impossible to say what the real mission was …

    Maybe HRC’s ISIS operatives were supposed to pick it up, but got lost on their way from Benghazi?

    izlamo delenda est …

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