CIA Professional Finds Obama’s former CIA chief Brennan “Cringe-Worthy” – IOTW Report

CIA Professional Finds Obama’s former CIA chief Brennan “Cringe-Worthy”

Obama’s CIA chief, John Brennon’s reckless speculation about what Russian blackmail of our sitting president has not gone without notice among professionals within the agency he once ran. Former CIA Clandestine Service Officer Daniel Hoffman has gone further than just criticizing Brennon’s comments on a personal basis and has accused the former head of America’s intelligence agency of “jeopardizing national security.”

One former high-level intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the fight now playing out between Mr. Brennan and Mr. Hoffman is representative of a sharp division within the intelligence community over whether and how it should respond to such behavior. More

13 Comments on CIA Professional Finds Obama’s former CIA chief Brennan “Cringe-Worthy”

  1. I miss William Casey. Brennan became compromised years ago when he voted for a CPUSA candidate. And it’s still speculated that he’s a closet Muslim. I think it’s more likely to suspect Putin is blackmailing Brennan, not Trump.

  2. Just imagine what agonizing deaths that Xi or Putin or Khamenei would order for any ex-intel type who dared incite open treason as Brennan and Tapper have. And continue to, with impunity.

    PDT may be altogether too humane.
    President Rufus would have their sorry asses slowly beaten to death, screaming, by the widows and children of 9/11 victims, on C-Span.

  3. Brennan always looks like he’s trying to pinch hard but his colon is so lined and clogged with red meat-laden feces that it’ll only be a matter of time and his bowels will explode like a 4th of July fireworks show and all that plugged up 💩 will enter and his bloodstream and he’ll die of toxic shock.


  4. Brennan is off-the-reservation, a narcissistic personality disordered com-symp. That he is not locked up for treason is a like a giant Fourth of July fireworks display bat signal.

    We teeter on the precipice of tyranny with vomit like him in the IC.


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