CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump – IOTW Report

CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump

CFP: The absolutely incredible claim from the Central Intelligence Agency that Russian hackers somehow put Donald Trump over the top in the election is falling apart.

Both the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all the U.S. intelligence agencies, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reject the CIA’s analysis.

And now Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) just said on Fox News Channel a few minutes ago that the Central Intelligence Agency is refusing to hand over whatever evidence it may have about Russian wrongdoing.

The CIA has a long track record both for lying and breathtaking incompetence

“It’s almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinformation campaign against the president-elect of the United States. It’s absolutely disgraceful.”

King, by the way, is a member of the Homeland Security Committee and chairman of the Sub-Committee on (Counterterrorism and Intelligence). He also serves on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Could it be the CIA — which employs more than a few Trump haters — doesn’t actually have any evidence? If they have proof they should cough it up. But they refuse.

Instead, CIA officials keep leaking to the media.

These people can’t be trusted. The CIA has a long track record both for lying and breathtaking incompetence.

This talk of a Russian conspiracy to hack U.S. computer networks to put Trump in the White House has always been difficult to believe.  more

18 Comments on CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump

  1. Along with that – Ga. Sec of State has traced 10 cyber-attacks to DHS IP addresses. Why?

    The Ga. Sec of State office runs the elections in Ga. Some of the cyber-attacks occurred on and near election day. Thus far DHS is stonewalling providing answers or delivering changing answers. Trump transition team has been asked for help getting answers. .

    imo , DHS has for years been reaching into areas where they need not be. On the local radio DHS has been the source of traffic reports. They have been involved with investigating prostitution rings, a worthy cause, but that should be done by local state police, or FBI. And many other ares that have nothing to do with preventing jihadist or other terrorists attacks. DHS appears to be on the road to becoming the national police force, just as big and just as well funded as the military that Obama wanted.

    They have no legitimate reason to be hacking into state government computer systems. Was Ga. the only one? Or just the only one that thus far has figured out DHS is the source of the attacks?

  2. Brennan is believed by many
    to be a closet muz. He
    and muz Bayrak are having
    a last go at ripping at
    the Republic. Trump is
    going to need a lot of
    cockroach spray after he
    takes the oath.

  3. Question: Are the Russians the ones behind the reign of terror on the members of the Electoral College?

    Members have been barraged by threats and pleas for them to vote AGAINST the voters choice for president.

    Why are the members of congress screaming loudly, like the Chicken Littles they are, for investigation and prosecution of the authors of those threats to our American voting system?

    The Electoral College members have reported threats on their lives. These are members of the officially and legally appointed Eectoral College?

  4. Well lets see, Trump has proven that pretty much all of the media is irrelevant, the democrats irrelevant, the election polls irrelevant, Obama irrelevant, Hillary irrelevant, the Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania recounts irrelevant, the GOPe irrelevant, and the list will go on and on and on to include the CIA.

  5. Brennan is a lifelong CIA commie democrat hack

    From Wikipedia:

    “…One of the controversies in his [Brennan’s] career involves the distribution of intelligence to the Bush White House that helped lead to an “Orange Terror Alert”, over Christmas 2003. The intelligence, which purported to list terror targets, was highly controversial within the CIA and was later discredited…”

    That didn’t phase Obutthead, in fact it was a resume enhancer for him.

    Wikipedia cont’d:

    “…An Obama administration official does not dispute that Brennan distributed the intelligence during the Bush era but said Brennan passed it along because that was his job…”

  6. The only way the story the CIA is pushing could, possibly, make sense, is if the Russians already knew that Hillary was such a wretched, malignantly evil, person in private, that were the American people to glimpse her, “in the flesh”, they’d turn against her, in massive numbers. Which would mean… oh look, it snowing!

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