Circulating video about SJW snowflakes is not what it purports to be – IOTW Report

Circulating video about SJW snowflakes is not what it purports to be

I hate to be “that guy” that ruins a good thing, but there is a video out there that’s getting traction. Sadly, it’s not real. (And I absolutely know I am being hypocritical here because if you only knew of the stuff I’ve floated out into the ether, purposely untagged, so that it would be mistaken for real, you’d tell me to GFM.)

First up, the video that purportedly shows a SJW crying when a policeman pops her balloon.

But that’s not what was going on.

The police, in France, had just doused the crowd with tear gas. It got on her balloon. So when it was popped it lightly sprayed the girl in the eyes. She didn’t shriek. (That was, hilariously, btw, added later.)

I love the video, but as parody.

I file this in the Dan Rather folder-  fake but real.

11 Comments on Circulating video about SJW snowflakes is not what it purports to be

  1. I knew the crying was dubbed in the first time I saw that when Fur first posted it. It sounded dubbed in but I still laughed my ass off. I still do. Thanks for re-posting that! 😉

  2. ok, i wish i had seen that before i read the explanation. It sounded so phony I doubt that i would have believed it and anyway only one person showed concern. If it were real at least someone besides mommy would have helped.

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