Citing increasing crime, drug activity, homelessness, and the increasing cost to do business in Seattle, an iconic business folds up the tent – IOTW Report

Citing increasing crime, drug activity, homelessness, and the increasing cost to do business in Seattle, an iconic business folds up the tent


“We thank the people of Seattle for embracing the Elephant Super Car Wash – it has truly been an honor being a part of Seattle’s history for over 60 years,” the statement continues.


ht/ illustr8r

22 Comments on Citing increasing crime, drug activity, homelessness, and the increasing cost to do business in Seattle, an iconic business folds up the tent

  1. …I notice the linked story doesn’t allow comments, seems to be pretty much a staple in that part of the world now, almost like they don’t WANT to know what people are thinking, or something…

  2. I remember TV commercial for them back in the ‘60’s when I lived south of Tacoma. They were a landmark.

    But don’t worry, the City Non-binary parental figures will just raise taxes on the people who can’t leave to make up for the revenue sources that are drying up.

  3. Along those similar lines… I’ve watched the Mr. Car Wash chain here in El Paso raise their prices (including Senior Discounts) from $7.00 to $17.00 to $24.00 dollars per single wash over the course of the past year. Wednesday was always Seniors Day… they’ve since completely did away with that discount.

    Time was when I’d go on Wednesday the three drive-up bays to the wash I frequented were on average three to four cars deep. You always waited, but they were fast so it didn’t matter.

    I went there two weeks ago Wednesday to be informed the Senior Discount had been dis-continued and the cheapest wash they now offer is $24.00. Oh… I didn’t have to wait for an empty bay this visit… they were all empty.

    I asked the gentlemen how do I get out of here without a car wash and he showed me the way around the building. The exit side of the car wash was completely empty with not a soul waiting around for a car to wipe dry.

    It’s sad to watch a former great place to do business with self-destruct in front of your eyes. I’d been coming to this one car wash for at least twelve years but I’ll never be back again.

  4. I’m sure there is a plan to devalue these areas so so they can be bought cheap. What is a lot in downtown Minneapolis worth now? Do insurance companies have a damage by “riot” clause? Like life insurance has a pandemic clause, so they don’t have to pay.

  5. I used to get my car washed there every Friday, rain or shine. They did a great job, especially wiping down both the interior and exterior.

    But this story is very misleading. Although it’s true that many small businesses have abandonded downtown Seattle, it’s not necessarily because of the high price of doing business, as much as it makes more sense to sell the land under your business for a good price. I could be wrong, but the Pink Elephant hasn’t washed any cars there (they shut down) for quite a while. That’s why there’s only a picture of the sign there on Denny Way. It will be sad to see it go. Denny is the northernmost boundary of what can be called downtown. But as downtown construction has swelled, that outermost boundary is being built-out with high rent, multi-use buildings. For years there was no change to this area. The Dog House Restaurant, for example was another Seattle icon that closed its doors many years ago — just around the corner and down the street from Pink Elephant, on 7th Ave. It’s clock always read “Time to Eat”.×201.jpg

    Most of these establishments were surrounded by parking lots. Now the real estate is too expensive to not take advantage of the growth. Bounded as we are by a freeway, Elliott Bay, Lake Washington and Lake Union, there are only two ways the city can build: north and south. Some day I recon the Pink Elephant on 4th S. will sell their real estate, too. But glad that the history museum has a home for these iconic signs. It will probably sit next to the Big Toe Truck of Lincoln Towing. The tow yard and The Big Toe Truck used to be located further down Denny, next to the freeway.

    Just wanted to give this story a little factual info.

  6. …also, there’s no tent city down in that area — like L.A.’s vagrant camps. There are always a couple of people with cardboard signs (“Anything Helps”).

  7. That reporter wearing his politically correct I’m-better-than-you mask looks a bit soft between the ears. No one anywhere near him and he still wears that stupid mask? I guarantee that gullible, insecure idiot sends money to Biden.

  8. Seattle won’t care. Cars are Evil. They will rejoice that it just got a tiny bit tougher to maintain your car.

    Today I pulled into a parking lot to write down some service call addresses when I heard a tap on my far side passenger window. I thought the woman needed help or directions so I rolled down .
    She started to lecture me about Idling my truck (3 min) and told me ” You are the reason the world is in the current situation we are in!”
    Then she took a picture of my Truck????

    My dispatcher was laughing knowing full well how I was about to react.

    A Told her to go fuck herself and shove her battery powered smart phone up her yeast trap.

    I can’t wait to see if I get a phone call in the next few days. Plaza has surveillance so I’m covered.

  9. Illustr8r, Culp did a meet and greet here on San Juan Island last night. It was compelling. He’s just a real guy. Not a politician but he came across as a passionate defender of our constitutional rights. I went home and donated to his campaign which is a first for me.

  10. Interstates are Federal property, should be the Marshals and National Guard rounding them up. Pick a local abandoned mall for incarceration until a judge can see them, Nov. 4 seems like a good date.

  11. Remember WA state voters. Write in Joshua Freed for Lt. Governor when you vote. Culp would be saddled with a Dem Lt. Governor because only dems are on the ballot because they took the top 2 primary slots. You can imagine the shenanigans that’ll happen if Culp wins, they’ll have him removed from office, so his leftist Lt. Governor can take over.


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