Citizens are the First Line of Defense Against Murdering Muslims – IOTW Report

Citizens are the First Line of Defense Against Murdering Muslims

Tsunami sent this in. He’s pissed. We should all be.

28 Comments on Citizens are the First Line of Defense Against Murdering Muslims

  1. My husband is a fire chief and so I am familiar with response times for 911 calls. People are under the mistaken assumption that when they call 911, emergency responders will be there instantaneously. Depending where you live, the size of your police and fire departments, traffic conditions, construction, and weather, it can be a 4-10 minute response time. That’s 4-10 minutes that you will have to handle the emergency yourself. A cowardly terrorist can attack and kill a lot of innocent people in that 4-10 minutes. This sheriff is absolutely right. We need to think and prepare for how we would protect ourselves and our loved ones. The same goes for having a fire plan for your home and work. Fire doubles in size every minute. It can build up quite large. Score your smoke detector goes off. Everyone needs a plan for how to get out of their home through dark and smokey conditions, when we may be awakened from a deep sleep and be panicky.

  2. The township I live in does not have a police force, and the closest State Police barracks are 18 miles away. While you may get lucky and have a patrol within a few miles at any given time my neighbors and I know we are on our own for 15-20 minutes at the best and an hour at the worst.

    Fire/ambulance service is only 5 miles away.

    That’s why we all endorse and have notices on our houses that say we are followers of the “Castle Doctrine” (thanks to a local Delegate who has helped pass laws in our legislature regarding same).

    The area beyond our small town is rapidly becoming industrial warehouse and transient and that has woken us up.

    We support each other and serve as neighborhood watch so much so that door-door salesman are usually discouraged enough to leave us alone after about the fifth house. (We vote conservative 95 %)

    Yet we remain friendly and are considered a starter home community. We’d know if the mooselims were in the neighborhood.

    So an article this is considered old hat but still a reminder we’re on our own, but after all isn’t that always been America at its best?

  3. The Sheriff is spot on.

    In our county, Deputies could be up to an hour away rolling code 3 depending on where they are responding from.

    A good portion of our society has lost their self-reliance and mindset, “It’s someone else’s job.” “It’s the police’s job to keep me safe.” Baa, baa, baa.

    “A good solution applied with vigor now is better than a perfect solution applied ten minutes later.” General George S. Patton Jr.

    What’s your mindset?

  4. Good for NC. Love that sheriff. Makes me want to ask my LEOs if they too offer some training course or advice for people in my tiny community regarding arming yourself. I know my neighbor would like to own a gun. Good post. Thanks!

  5. RosalindJ

    The Brevard County Sheriff in this video is in Florida. No state income tax. It is on the east coast, including Cape Canaveral and south to Coco beach. Population 550K

  6. ISIS is not going to knock on your front door and attack you. They will attack you in public places. So unless you carry a gun and are good with it,, and practice situational awareness, your just another victim.

  7. I am a volunteer member of our local CERT-Community Emergency Response Team. In my city, it is supported by the fire department. As a team member, you are taught that in the event of a large scale disaster, you are on your own.
    First responders will be sent to areas with high concentrations of people, hospitals, schools, etc. Neighborhoods need to be prepared to be without services for days, maybe weeks.
    This is a good reason to be prepared yourself, get to know your neighbors, and have a plan.

  8. Agatha Kakalogical, also a good portion of first responders (law enforcement, fire personnel, paramedics, and hospital personnel) will NOT be responding until they have secured their family’s safety as well as their own. Depending on the type of event, that could be several hours or more.

  9. One day they will organize a ‘Run-over-stab-n-shoot-a-thon’. All the crazy ones will go off in a ‘Day of Rage’
    It will be important to put down these feral creatures, but also important, will be the nullification of their martyrdom.
    This is so the ‘moderate’ Muslims know that if they try any crap, their potential martyrdom will also fail
    Black Jack Pershing knew how to deal with these creatures.

  10. While I appreciate the good Sheriffs message a couple things need to change to achieve what he’s talking about. We need to loosen up gun laws for CCW’s. In most states if you even pull your gun, plan on getting sued. The term “immenent threat” needs to be loosened up. It’s to subjective. If I see a Middle Eastern guy walking down the street with a machete am I going to engage him. Nope, he’s not imminent threat. If I watch him start hacking up people am I going to pull my pistol? Nope, I’ll pull my cell phone. Remember when Gaby Gifford got shot there were at least 3 armed ccw’s in the crowd. Nobody pulled their gun. Why? They new they’d be sued and maybe prosecuted. Hopefully they redefine the laws for a ccw when they pass nation wide carry. When we adopt the saying “See Something, Shoot Something” we’ll be on the right track.

  11. I like Archie Bunker’s strategy for ending airplane hijackings. Issue every adult passenger a gun. No more hijackings, problem solved. He is my all time favorite teevee character.

  12. @RosalindJ

    Live in South Central Pa – we’ve done fairly well on taxes in the state until we got that a-hole Clinton-guy Rendell a few years ago. Gas taxes, personal income taxes, and nuisance taxes on the rise since. Luckily our legislature has strong conservative senators/reps. who try at least to keep it down. It’s ironic that Maryland gas is about 10-15 cents/gal cheaper than ours because of our Dem gov’s recent increase in gas tax.

    The CCA laws, and castle doctrine is strong much to the chagrin (love that word) to many dems.

  13. Bad_Brad isn’t using logic. The reason that no CC people defended Gaby Gifford is that she was a 2nd Amendment hating libtard. Why the hell would you risk everything you own to protect a person who wants to see you killed by armed criminals?

  14. Good Citizen
    Funny thing about logic. Only a few get it. Do you carry? No. It wasn’t only Gabsalot Gifford that was under attack that day. A beautiful young girl was killed that day.
    You’re comment make me want to put a gun in your hand and enroll you in a few defensive hand gun courses I’ve been through. You’re a cheap critic with no facts or experience pal.

  15. In Guam, we have castle doctrine and concealed carry.
    My house? I’ve got more weapons that can fuck you up in
    every room than you can find.
    They might break in, but they gonna have problems
    escaping our place.

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