Citizens in Prague Demonstrate Over Covid Measures – IOTW Report

Citizens in Prague Demonstrate Over Covid Measures


The protest was organized by the civic association Movement of Civil Dissatisfaction, which wanted to protest against government measures against coronavirus. Football and hockey fans of various clubs have announced in advance that they will join the event. The association originally stated that the program of the demonstration would be two hours long but ended the rally after an hour.

The municipality called on the organizers to do so as the number of participants exceeded 500. That is the number of people who can participate in demonstrations based on current government regulations, which apply while the state of emergency is in place. Authorities estimate that there were about 2,000 people. On top of that, most of them did not wear face masks.

At first, the demonstration was peaceful, with speakers criticizing the government and calling for changes in the cabinet. However, some participants also shouted nationalist slogans. The organizer had repeatedly urged them in vain to adhere to anti-epidemic measures, such as keeping space between groups of people. He also asked them not to be pulled into the violence and thanked the police for their approach.


ht/ the big owe

5 Comments on Citizens in Prague Demonstrate Over Covid Measures

  1. I expected better from the United States. I figured that by mid April at the latest everyone would tell the assholes to take their masks and their social distancing and restaurant closures and everything else the Masked Covidians are foisting on the people and shove them straight up their ass.

  2. Guess they’re sick and tired of hearing Dr Fauci’s pronouncements too.

    The Mouse that Roared was a fun book to read back in high school, but in real life in 2020, not so much.

  3. So many Americans don’t seem to mind wearing the Freemasonic Magic Force Field Face Diaper, or have gone all in on the Branch Covidian religion. It does not bode well for our future.


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