City Council Fears Police Chief Will Shoot Them – IOTW Report

City Council Fears Police Chief Will Shoot Them

Madison Police Chief Mike Koval is hated by his city’s elected officials. Recently an alderman publicly stated his fearĀ for his own life.

“I was totally afraid for him to be behind me with a gun,” said Ald. Samba Baldeh about the police chief at last week’s Common Council meeting. What’s got the Alderman all shook up?

Koval’s opposition to spending $350,000 from the city’s reserve fund to pay for a study of white privilege on his police force. The uber-liberal city council is going to do it anyway, but Koval roasted them all for demoralizing his officers with their pandering to worse elements on the left.



13 Comments on City Council Fears Police Chief Will Shoot Them

  1. It sounds as though the relationship between the chief and the council has soured past the point of no return. So, if the chief is going to be castigated anyway, maybe he should just go ahead and shoot them.

    I am, of course, just kidding. Mostly.

  2. There is much to despise in Samba Baldeh. He’s from the Green Party, he is a mohammadman, and he is the sort of black person who goes about emphasizing his blackness for political power so he can force people to do what he wants and take their stuff whether they want to give it to the govt or not.

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