City Island, NY?? This is Not My City Island – IOTW Report

City Island, NY?? This is Not My City Island

City Island has… um… changed.

Let’s just say it votes about 90% democrat. (dog whistle!!!!)

CBS -An out-of-control brawl was caught on video this week at a Bronx restaurant, and calls for action were mounting Friday night in the wake of the incident.

As CBS2’s Tracee Carrasco reported, chairs flew and punches were thrown in the all-out brawl involving nearly 40 customers, which was caught on cellphone video Thursday night inside the popular Seafood City restaurant on City Island.

One woman was described her experience as the fight broke out when she was eating dinner.

“It was like out of control, honestly — I can’t believe that people would even act that way,” the woman said, “I was really scared.”

Police responded to a 911 call around 10:15 p.m. Thursday for a fight in progress. Once officers arrived, the melee had broken up.

But longtime customer Chrissy Monroe said this was not the first fight she has seen at the restaurant.


ht/ rob e.

28 Comments on City Island, NY?? This is Not My City Island

  1. Some young dindu nuffin with two mothers said to a big bitch on the food line: Yo bitch yo got a fine big ass. Then it started. The Police Commissioner Jimmy “Police” O’Neill said. There were no guns involved so everything is hunky dory.

  2. You see this sort of crap and it gets harder and harder not to assign certain characteristics to an entire group of people even though the contact you yourself have with that group are no better or worse then with any others. I think that what pisses me off the most about this urban blight. People like Obama, Jackson, Sharpton and all the other race baiters that excuse this sort of behaviour (or much worse) because of something that happened more than 150 years ago ought to be lobotomized and given a job that makes them an actual asset to society. That includes people like Pelosi, Frank and the rest of the Democrat/Liberal crowd that is equally responsible for this mess.

  3. Yeah that shit hole looked lake a cafeteria. 30 shrimp for $1.99.
    In the late 60’s the wife and I used to go to City Island, The Lobster House. A wonderful place. The waiter we insisted on was Frank Cavanaugh, a good friend. It was always enjoyable. I don’t think I’d want to visit City Island anymore, even if BFH agreed to pick up the tab.

  4. “There were no reports of injuries, and there were no arrests because nobody filed a formal complaint, police said.”

    NO matter that lives were endangered, the guy’s restaurant was trashed, and they have the faces of the guilty thugs on video committing the crime? I swear, no wonder punks feel so free to cause mayhem these days!

  5. Zonga/Cate, in your hearts and mine, we know it’s a Goddamn shame, with so many blacks in this great country that I truly admire and they have to put up with this shit on a daily basis. They try to speak out but are blasted by black thugs and white liberals who depend on the vote of the lowly informed. I know I’m sarcastic at times and maybe a bit racist, but I’m really not a racist, just fucking frustrated.

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