Civil War In Israel – It’s On – IOTW Report

Civil War In Israel – It’s On

I’m almost envious.

I know that sounds harsh, and slightly ignorant, but I’m musing about a civil war here between the “woke” and the normal human beings, and I have to confess I think it’s probably necessary.

23 Comments on Civil War In Israel – It’s On

  1. “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

  2. The wokes have all the conventional weapons behind them (media, sports, hollywood, education and the deep state). The only thing left for conservatives is war.

  3. The terrorists know that now is best time to strike. Washington and the deep state have signaled they are unable to deal with any geo-political drama outside of Trans-genders in the Olympics. Sorry BFH, If we pull any stunts its solitary confinement 23 hrs a day. Sadly that’s the only thing the FBI is good at now… protecting the criminals and putting us on “lists” 🙁


  4. Two groups of people who hate each other cannot coexist in Israel or in the USA. One has to submit to the other or dominate with strength. No ROE in a civil war.

  5. Israel really has to put the hammer down hard! Anything less will embolden these 7th century barbarians all over the world. We need somebody to show the rest of the world that it is OK to annihilate these bastards!

  6. @ RadioMattM
    You mean the steadfastness of Joe Biden does not make the Arabs think twice about causing trouble?

    He takes a half-dozen STEADFAST NAPS every day! 😴

    Before turning in PROMPTLY at 4:30pm for the day! 😴😴


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