Claim: Bernie’s Sitting the Next One Out – IOTW Report

Claim: Bernie’s Sitting the Next One Out


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told CNN he will not challenge President Biden in a 2024 presidential primary and will instead support the incumbent. More

12 Comments on Claim: Bernie’s Sitting the Next One Out

  1. Bernie sez he’s not gonna challenge Jackass Joe?
    My tea leaves say nobody’s gonna challenge that asshole cuz he won’t be running!
    That’s not saying the old Socialist won’t run… cuz you know… you can’t have enough homes!

  2. Bernie Sanders. 81 years old. Never spent a day working in the private sector. The perennial college student. Just loves Socialism. Of course he loves his expensive cars and homes too. As long as you’re paying for them. What a loser.

  3. Why would Bernie rock his boat?? He’s living large, wealthy and famous, even though he’s really never done shit in his entire unworthy life!

    Plus, he got to see some of his own stupid ideas implemented yielding immense destruction of historic proportion. By not being preznit, Bernie and his stupidity escape responsibility. And still, the media runs to him like he’s a Himalayan lama. Doesn’t that characterize his entire existence??

  4. @ Dr. Tar: It’s his last best chance of being the nominee, he’d get slaughtered in the general. I guess Bernie finally discovered his price.


    Joe Rogan is a Bernie man, with his 11 million followers, I’m sure Rogan can talk a few of his followers into voting for Bernie. Rogan is somewhat like Rush, except for Rush was a conservative – Joe Rogan isn’t.

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