Claim- Hollywood Is Sheltering Around 100 Child Abusers – IOTW Report

Claim- Hollywood Is Sheltering Around 100 Child Abusers

DM– Elijah Wood spoke out to the British press and mysteriously said “‘I’ve been led down dark paths to realize that these things are probably still happening.”

The actor, who played Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings, believes that other actors remain in danger.

He added: ‘If you’re innocent, you have very little knowledge of the world and you want to succeed.

‘People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey. What upsets me about these situations is that the victims can’t speak as loudly as the people in power.’

Anne Henry, co-founder of Bizparentz – a group to help young actors – said that Tinseltown is currently sheltering around ‘100 active abusers’.
Henry believes that around three quarters of child actors that ‘went off the rails’ later in their life had been abused in Hollywood.

She said: ‘This problem has been endemic in Hollywood for a long time and it’s finally coming to light.

‘Very bad people are still working here, protected by their friends.’

In the last 10 years, several wealthy and significant people involved in the industry have been convicted.

Some have left prison and returned to Hollywood and continued to work with children.

Corey Feldman, who was one of the biggest child stars in the 1980s, was abused when he was a young actor.

He said: ‘The No 1 problem in Hollywood was and is – and always will be – pedophilia.’

Other child actors were reportedly told by adults that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the industry to have sexual relations.

Feldman told a British tabloid four years ago: ‘When I was 14 and 15, things were happening to me. These older men were leching around me like vultures.’

He went on to suffer with alcoholism, mental health problems and became addicted to drugs.

His friend, Corey Haim, another child actor, died of pnemonia aged 38 in 2010. Feldman claims a ‘Hollywood mogul’ is to blame for his friend’s death.

He said abusers are still working and are some of the richest and most powerful people in the business.


image via Cultural Marxism

19 Comments on Claim- Hollywood Is Sheltering Around 100 Child Abusers

  1. Ho-hum, I don’t expect to see anything like what happened, and rightfully so, to the Catholic church. Hollywood will circle the wagons and let children continue to be destroyed at the altar of the Godforsaken left. Woody Allen, Roman Polanski anyone?

  2. Our new “Stars” evolve from fag camp starting in high school, and Leonardo, most probably christened Leonard, so let’s call him Lenny, is a prime example. Long gone are heroic masculine male figures that became stars because they were bad ass. Guys like Mitchum, Wayne, Douglas. Walker, and Stewart. I’ll center my comments around Jimmy Stewart. Wing Commander for my fathers B24 group. That guy flew Polesti. An American hero. Lenny, fuck you, you worthless piece of pig dung.

  3. If it is true that politics is show biz for ugly people, DC is probably infested with child-molesters at about the same rate as Hollywood. And gay Obama has the goods on the ones that matter. In fact, “X is a closet child-molester being blackmailed” explains a lot of counter-intuitive voting by nominal Republicans.

  4. And can we all agree to stop using “pedophile”? They are child-molesters, and “pedophile” is their preferred term because it sounds clinical and benign. Besides, you will very soon be called a bigot hater if you call them “child-molesters” instead of “pedophiles”. The push is on for mainstreaming.

  5. I believe that’s what happened to Miley Cyrus. I bet she was passed around like a bong in a circle of hippies.

    What we see now is her coping with that trauma.

    Macaulay Culkin too, I would guess.

  6. If they know who these people are, they need to name names. Otherwise, people like Frodo and Cory Feldman do nothing but perpetuate the problem.

  7. Is it any wonder that Hollyweird is Obola’s strongest supporter?

    Or that they’ve embraced the politics of Clinton and Sanders?

    Wake up, America!

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Until these people who mention the molestation problem start naming names I have no respect for them at all. Allowing the criminal predators anonymity is good for them and bad for whoever crosses their path.

  9. I remember when he first came out with the accusations. The media and some Hollywood types went after him with pitchforks and torches. Suddenly his substance problems really came out and it was suggested that the story was all bs brought on by the drugs. His friends(?) dropped him like a prog would drop the second amendment and any chance of work was gone.

    Having said that, maybe it’s time he took one for the team. Liquidate and hide whatever assets he has, just keep enough cash around to live frugally then name all the names he knows and time, date and victims. Let it all out and let them sue. If there are any decent, skilled lawyers out there maybe they’ll come forward and represent him pro bono. Feldman will be done in the industry, probably have some judgements go against him (hence hiding the money) and will be a pariah to the Hollywood types but maybe some will come out and support him. Besides, shining a light on such a sordid mess can do nothing but help and maybe a few of the snakes will be caught out. Imagine a couple of them doing a “deal” with the DA (assuming the office isn’t corrupted by the glitter) and naming others as well as confirming Feldmans story.

  10. Just a guess:

    Every prosecutor, lawyer, and politician in CA knows about the perversion and its extent.

    Money’s too big. All the perverts are well-connected. There are (probably) perverts on the bench, and in the State House, and in the Governor’s Mansion who participate and risk ruin if they pursued Justice.

    Complicity is a great deterrent to exposure.

    izlamo delenda est …

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