Claim: Jill Biden Is Coming After Kamala – IOTW Report

Claim: Jill Biden Is Coming After Kamala

Jack Posobiec joined the War Room today with some exclusive insider news coming out of the White House, namely, that Jill Biden is actively seeking for ways to remove a sitting Vice President. One such option was if the 25th amendment could be invoked. Posobiec noted that Jill feels that Kamala is the freight train weighing down Joe Biden and that there’s essentially two different administrations in the White House right now. MORE

Jill Biden is asking around about the 25th amendment against Kamala? LOL! Whore, meet kettle.

26 Comments on Claim: Jill Biden Is Coming After Kamala

  1. This is why I think that Biden needs to be impeached if the GOP retakes the House and the Senate with enough of a majority. If they can get rid of Biden then the Democrats have Harris. Is she as corrupt as Biden? Not sure. Is she as incompetent as Biden, probably more so. Would she flush the US down the toilet any faster than Biden? Who knows. But if she is President then she will destroy the Democrat brand and it will take years for it to recover.

  2. “Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
    Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
    And we are here as on a darkling plain
    Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
    Where ignorant armies clash by night.”

    “Sign o’ the time
    When madmen lead the blind”

    It would be funny if not so dangerous.
    Fuck Joe Biden. And Fuck Jill, Too (ewww … not literally).
    “A pox on Both their houses!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Perfect. Now we start rumblings that Kamala is going after Joey using the 25th. They’ll be operating in a boiling sea of distrust. Distrusting whatever the other says.

    PsyOps. I’m confident that we can do it better than they have if we come to the understanding that our way of life is at stake.

  4. Clearly Jill Biden is motivated by racism. She had to play second fiddle to a black woman for 8 years while Obama was squatting in the whitehouse and now gets overshadowed by the first ‘black’ female ‘vice president’. Must be racism. Anytime a white person has a problem with a ‘black’ person, it has to be racism. Isn’t that how it works nowadays?

  5. Jill Biden is a fucking idiot. Kamala Harris is a slut and a fucking idiot.

    But as fucking idiots go, I think Harris has her. Jill Biden will join Joe on the trash heap.

    For us, it’s a toss-up: Heads we lose, tails we lose.

  6. “Coming After Kamala”

    Now, if it was announced that a Chinese, sub-orbiting, hypersonic missile on an unalterable trajectory was coming after Trump who was reportedly in D.C. (but actually wasn’t), I could get excited.

  7. I knew Dr. J had it in for Heels Up.
    Dr. J had to sit on the sidelines while Mike Obama was hailed as the epitome of female grace, beauty, and fashion sense.
    Dr. J scratched and clawed her way to the White House, and she’s seen by the media as a scrunchie-wearing everywoman, not the glamour kween she thinks she is.
    “Scrunchies and dog walking: the country gets a taste of Jill Biden’s radical normalcy.”
    The truth is, she doesn’t want to be the face of radical normalcy. She’s a doctor, for goodness sake, and a blonde (bottle) white woman. Dr. J wants to be the face of glamour, class, and beauty.
    Sorry sweetcheeks, Melania has you beat hands down!
    I’d pay money to see the cage fight between Dr. J and Heels Up!

  8. absolute bullcrap … what the hell does the 25th Amendment have to do w/ the removal of the VP??? Posobiec is really grasping at straws here.

    all Pedo Joe has to do is demand Kammie Hoe’s resignation … which he ain’t gonna do unless he’s told to do it by the REAL women running the show.

    when they want to get rid of Harris, they’ll do it w/out batting an eye

  9. DavidW
    OCTOBER 27, 2021 AT 3:52 PM
    “…if the GOP retakes the House and the Senate with enough of a majority….”

    They won’t. Actually, the Democrats will *heh* “win” a supermajority.

    I already have the numbers. No peeking, though!

    You’ll find out soon enough..


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