Claim: Stormy Daniels Has “Monica Dress” and will test it for president’s DNA – IOTW Report

Claim: Stormy Daniels Has “Monica Dress” and will test it for president’s DNA

It’s a beige, sparkly clingy thing. Apparently she hasn’t had it cleaned in a decade. Figures. She’s a dirty one.

Isn’t this between the president and Melania?

Isn’t that right Hillary?

The Blast has the “exclusive.”

ht/ christian pdx

44 Comments on Claim: Stormy Daniels Has “Monica Dress” and will test it for president’s DNA

  1. Riiiiight….havin’ it tested. I wonder how that will play out. No, I don’t wonder. Remember when selected Trump tax returns were leaked, and what that did to the left in general, and Rachel Maddow, specifically? Here we go again. They never learn.

    Too bad they can’t test that sperm on Barky’s head. That mess has got to be a real punch in the gut to Barky and his worshippers.

  2. Anymouse. I agree. It’s getting vomit inducing. The BIG GOAL is to get rid of President Trump at all costs, by hook or by crook, by any means necessary. The swamp can’t be drained. If the swamp is drained, there goes their livelihood. All those years on the public teat, doing sweet fuck all. Did you see that drunken Jack ass last week at the Security Council meeting? I think he wanted the Admiral to tell him where our submarines were located, in public session.
    I pray every night that the bastards do not harm my President. MAGA!

  3. OK Ye had yer chance: Amendment X1X “The right of citizens…to vote shall not be denied or abridged…on account of sex.” And it’s been sex, sex, and more sex, ever since. Repeal the X1X, I say. Get back in the Goddamn kitchen, make me a sandwich, iron my shirt, and put the damn garbage out. You had yer chance and you blew it (pun)
    Ya’ll suck. Hilliry, Gillibrand, Monica, Pelosi, Feinstein.

  4. Let’s say she has a soiled dress. Now what? He cheated on his wife 10 years before he became POTUS, and that means….what?
    We know who he is, we read all about his sins, missteps, women, flings, wheeling/dealing before we voted for him.
    We didn’t vote for a minister, we voted for a bulldozer who would do his best to clean out the slime in DC.

  5. Bad_Brad, I sure hope Trump wasn’t going to bring Cohen to any potential interview with Mueller. Sheesh. We’ll see if Cohen keeps his job. Then again, Sessions still has his job.

  6. The next step is an endless delay in getting the biologic tested followed by demands, not requests but demands for Trumps DNA with the media playing this up as much as they can. This will be drawn out as much as the progs possibly can. On the other hand Trump could cooperate having made clear that he makes the rules and when the test comes out negative his legal team will destroy everyone involved on the other side.

  7. This just happened a few minutes ago. I got through to Mark Levin,877 381 3811.n line for about 40 minutes. re trying. Finally got through. Mark was talking about corruption in government, as usual. I told the monitor that I wanted to ask Mark about Security Clearances, and who gets them. Marks monitor said ” were not talking about that right now. And hung up on me

  8. Levin is a jackass, and I bet anyone that works for him is as well. You can call me and I’ll listen to you. I might even politely reply to what you say. But I can’t promise you an audience of hundreds.

  9. I’ll never call again. Anyway most of the people who call seem have to have nothing else to do. It just happened that that day I had nothing else to do I’m waiting for Spring so I can dig my garden, plant my stuff, etc.

  10. I like to listen to Rush, Mark, and Sean, but you would have to be on welfare to get through to them. Also their adds annoy me: “If you are ten thousand dollars in dept, call us and we will save you money.”
    Fuck it, if you’re ten thousand dollars in dept, pay it!

  11. my how times change.

    imagine all the talking heads during the clinton fiasco defending him then vs what they are saying about trump now.

    show the tapes and make them cringe.

  12. Well, they’ll only find stains from my jizz in my own underware, kleenex, and some little-girls’ shifts and “My Little Pony” costumes …….. oh .. did I just rite that outloud?

  13. She will report that she had the dress “tested” and that Trump’s DNA was on it. She will then refuse to name the lab which tested the dress or provide the technical report. Media will run with the story anyway, based on “leaks” (pun intended) from the anonymous “lab”.

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