Claire McCaskill (D-MO) claims she’s never taken a single meeting with a Russian Ambassador, but…. – IOTW Report

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) claims she’s never taken a single meeting with a Russian Ambassador, but….


Well…that’s embarrassing.

Dan already did a fine job of explaining why the whole “Sessions/Russia” flap is a big nothingburger, so I won’t rehash that here.  What I will do is point out that the left seems to think this is chum in the political water.  They’ve whipped themselves up in to a frenzy, fueled by anti-Trump hysteria and the hope that maybe – just maybe – they can finally get one of their conspiracy theories to stick.

Democrats, of course, are outraged.  Why, they would never forget, ignore, or misrepresent a past meeting with a Russian diplomat!  Most honest, upstanding, Dems have no reason to meet with Russian diplomats, because Ambassadors “call members of Foreign Rel Com.”  Isn’t that right, Claire McCaskill?  more

h/t Dave

10 Comments on Claire McCaskill (D-MO) claims she’s never taken a single meeting with a Russian Ambassador, but….

  1. I only wish that the Republicans Senators would follow Luther Strange’s lead (he replaced AG Sessions) of putting out a strongly worded statement in support of Sessions. I know that Senator Cruz was on Morning Joe and stood up for him but McCain and Pansy Graham have been so namby pamby (surprise surprise). I love that James Rosen put out a tweet that he met with the Russian ambassador! Geez, Republicans grow a spine–please.
    Okay, I live in Alabama and I love Jeff Sessions so today I have been on the edge of the cliff particularly after it was reveled that ValJar has moved in with Barry. AG Sessions already had a meeting today with his staff (that was planned) to determine whether he should recuse himself from any investigations into President Trump. Someone leaked that information before he had his press conference. Talk me down!!

  2. DemoKKKrat Claire seems to get brain freeze when it comes to her own Russian contacts! A call for a special prosecutor needs to go out and she needs to resign immediately!!

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