Claire McCaskill Exposed Putting Tax Payers On The Hook For Her Travel Expenses – IOTW Report

Claire McCaskill Exposed Putting Tax Payers On The Hook For Her Travel Expenses

The Constitution: The Washington establishment of the D.C swamp continues to rake the American taxpayer over the coals this week after stunning accusations have surfaced.

For far too long, the fat cats on Capitol Hill have been exploiting their positions of power in order to milk the American people for all that they are worth.  Their salaries are exorbitant, they are exempt from government-mandated Obamacare, and they have been bowing down to the special interest overlords of Big Industry for decades.  Now that Donald Trump is in office, we will hopefully be able to smoke out many of these bottom-feeding varmints for good.

Next on the list of D.C. deplorables is democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, who has apparently been running a travel racket at the expense of We The People.

“Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) took action earlier this year to make her family’s private plane untrackable by the public, according to documents obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration.

“McCaskill garnered much criticism ahead of her last reelection campaign over her use of a private jet at taxpayer expense, causing her to demand her husband ‘sell the damn plane.’ But they bought a new, more expensive plane shortly after she won that election. Now, as she gears up for her next election fight, they have taken action to limit scrutiny of the plane’s use.


10 Comments on Claire McCaskill Exposed Putting Tax Payers On The Hook For Her Travel Expenses

  1. I would imagine it’s illegal for FAA to conceal tail #s, but it’s a member of Congress so no matter.

    Typical McCaskill was outraged when Tom Price misused taxpayers $$ flying private.

    God don’t like hypocrites Claire Bear.

  2. McCaskill is the result of the fetid, anti-American, totalitarian-leaning, socialist-ic, nihilistic, hopelessness, and depravity of the St. Louis, Kansas City, Jefferson City Axis of power.

    Power for the sake of Power.
    Steal just to Steal (Heaven knows they’ve stolen more than enough).
    Crush the Weak.
    Expand the numbers of the Poor.
    Destroy the Productive.
    Reward the Connected.

    Same old story.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The new plane she purchased, a Pilatus PC 12, is a single-engine turbo-prop. I am surprised Senate rules allow her to fly in an airplane with only one engine.

    The fact that they petitioned the FAA to keep her flight information confidential is very troubling. McCaskill likes to pretend to be an woman of the people and operate entirely transparently and above board.

    Yeah right.

  4. Liberal strategy: Make Conservatives over-throw everything liberals don’t like.

    Oh you like the NFL? You will destroy it if we throw in a few BLM racists.

    Oh you like Capitalism? You will destroy it if we make it corrupt.

    Oh you like religion? You will abandon it if we fill it with gays and pedophiles.

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