Clapper Says He’d Be ‘Happy’ to Testify–‘After I’ve Been Vaccinated for COVID-19’ – IOTW Report

Clapper Says He’d Be ‘Happy’ to Testify–‘After I’ve Been Vaccinated for COVID-19’

( – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, is high on the list of witnesses he wants to call before the committee as part of an investigation into the origins of the Obama administration’s Trump-Russia-Flynn probe.

On Thursday, CNN’s John Berman asked Clapper (a paid CNN contributor) what he would say to Sen. Graham:

“Given my age demographic, I’d be happy to come after I’ve been vaccinated for COVID-19,” Clapper said.

“Would you testify remotely?” Berman asked him:

“I could do it remotely, as (was) the case with the Fauci hearing or respond to questions or — or that sort of thing, but I don’t particularly want to put my life or that of my wife’s life in jeopardy for in-person testimony.” more

40 Comments on Clapper Says He’d Be ‘Happy’ to Testify–‘After I’ve Been Vaccinated for COVID-19’

  1. Does anyone know the antiseptic property of a lead projectile moving at 2600 fps? That should keep this traitor from getting any flu like illnesses.

  2. Vaccinate him with hemp and elm if he doesn’t get his ass before that committee pronto. Since when did we start letting Goddamned criminals dictate the terms.

  3. Seems like he doesn’t have much faith in prophylactic measures like social distancing and masks to prevent the virus.

    But I’ll be he stands behind their forced use for the rest of us to keep us safe from each other.

  4. “… but I don’t particularly want to put my life or that of my wife’s life in jeopardy for in-person testimony.”
    there is always the ‘but’

    he should be fearful of putting his life in danger, for it is, given the egregious nature of the heinous crimes he is being accused of. Such are the punishments when found guilty of treason and sedition.

    (remember- ‘I would come and testify, but I’m afraid of flying’)

  5. Hang him and be done with it.
    Traitors deserve NO consideration.

    Throw his heart onto the fire while it still beats.

    Fuck this guy. He lied to Congress – and MORE IMPORTANTLY – he lied to the American people – his sovereign – in a just world that alone would be enough for death on the gallows (and these lies were about the Moslem Brotherhood – had nothing to do with his later treasons).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Order him to testify in August.
    Tap his phones, computer, etc.
    Sit back and watch his behavior as he goes mad with worry and makes those whisky panic communications in the wee hours of the morning .

    Waiting for the electric chair is no picnic especially if you know it is coming an matter what.

  7. Why does no one ever mention that there has never been a successful vaccine created for any corona virus ever and it will be a miracle if they create one for COVID 19?

    Saying “after I’ve been vaccinated” means “never”.

  8. The seditious sob is volunteering to testify some year after he would likely die from natural causes. He ought to be offered an option, testify now, or wait for the vaccine in solitary confinement in the big house. Where he hopefully soon talks himself to death.


    …Recommended vaccine for Obama officials, past and present, to facilitate testimony in the service of justice;

    7.62×39 Lead (Injectible)

    Indicated Use;
    Corruption Overdose

    Indicated for the complete reversal of Democrat induced depression (including Plandemic depression) induced by natural and synthetic liberals.

    8.0 g (123 gr) FMJ interthoracially, administered in a bolus; repeat as needed at 718 m/s; continue dosing until Democrat stops living. A rifle scope may be used to ensure placement in the Left 5th intercostal space if rapid results are desired, but is not necessary for most applications.

    Should be applied from a stand-off postion, recommened minimal spacing of 6′ from the patient. Apply with the paitent in a standing position facing the provider, and secure patient to a solid backing to ensure accurate delivery and minimize risk of cross-contamination.

    Consider other methods of corruption elimination as time and circumstance permit, under some circumstances 3′ of rope may be applied to the tracheal and coratid arterial region if used in conjunction with a 6′ drop platform.

    For rapid field delivery, you may optionally use a .45 ACP bolus of 185 gr applied at 340 m/s to the interstice between the posterior cranial fossae and the first cervical vertibrae, but this is not optimal as it does not provide sufficient social distancing and may result in the provider having to deal with contact with liberal blood contamination, which is a known source of a wide range of highly infectous social disease as well as significant quantities of bile.

    All the above prescribed methods will completely eliminate any possibiity that the patient will ever be infected with COVID in future, as there is no known route of infection to corpses. The remains may be burnt or buried as desired, although leaving them to rot is contraindicted to prevent contamination of local fauna that may consume this very likely diseased tissue.

    …any of these may be drawn up for this fellow and ALL his co-conspirators. This has the added benfit of making the actual testimony moot, as it should be, since these treasons are well-known and SHOULD be dealt with in a summary fashion, although arranging the heads along the dais in the Senate for the inspection of C-Span viewers would be an acceptable sequelae…

  10. JDHasty MAY 15, 2020 AT 8:51 AM
    “…Since when did we start letting Goddamned criminals dictate the terms.”

    …since we started electing Democrats to be our rulers, cf. the insane running the asylum, the monkeys running the zoo, the prisoners runnign the prison, the pupils running the school, etc., which…not coincidentally…are ALL things Democrats ALSO advocate for, as you may have noticed…

  11. I don’t understand. Is this guy guilty of lying to congress while under oath? Is he guilty of leaking classified material to the press? If so, I assume it’s provable and if that’s the case why isn’t his ass (WuHu Flu or not) in in a chair facing a judge and a jury?

  12. @Sns – I can see you are a Tolkien fan?

    Check this out, Gandalf(DJT) vs the Balrog(Swamp), you know the ending of the story…

    The Battle:

    The aftermath:

    Oh with the eagles?? Jackson overused them in the movies, JRRT in the book, they had a more limited role, as in when Gandalf was rescued from Gondor.

    I never thought about this? But the eagle reference just might be a symbol of the USA.

    Tolkien fought in WWI, so he knows about the rescue of ‘eagles’, a well known symbol and iconography of the USA. And eagles are RARE in England.

    Happy Friday!


  13. @Diane Reynolds May 15, 2020 at 9:05 am

    > Such are the punishments when found guilty of treason and sedition.

    In Candy Land.

    Thanfully, we’re squatters in These United States.

  14. @Thirdtwin May 15, 2020 at 9:52 am

    > mocking the Covid with his very presence on the field. Man up, sissy boys.

    Just don’t agree to be stupid toys. To “prove” you’re not “sissy boys”.

    Fight your professional betters, to be “allowed” to not wear masks? Everywhere? All the time? Sissy!

    Fight your professional betters, that approaching within two meters of you is a legally defined, existential threat? That should put everyone (not just Karen) in reasonable fear of their lives? Anyone? Everyone? Sissy!

  15. ghost of brig gen j glover
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 11:09 AM
    “@Sns – I can see you are a Tolkien fan?”


    “Oh with the eagles?? Jackson overused them in the movies, JRRT in the book, they had a more limited role, as in when Gandalf was rescued from Gondor.”

    …he used them twice in The Hobbit, to rescue them from pursuing goblins and then at tge Battle of Five Armies, without which they would have lost.

    Then again, to rescue Gandalf from Isengard, start to fight the Nazgul before they fled at the Black Gate, then rescue hobbits from Mount Doom.

    You ever read The Silmarillon? They are supposedly sent by the chief of the Valar, Manwë, at the command of Ilúvatar to make sure Sauron lost. They are basically his emissaries, sort of cherubim to Manwë’s seraphim.

    And I love me some Tolkien, but he did use them every time he wrote himself into a corner, but that said, he DID use them WELL…

    …also,I liked the Bashiki version you linked to, it’s s real shame he never finished it.

    …but someone made another animated version…

    …yeah, they don’t talk about THIS one too much, but it’s a bit of Rankin-Bass cheezy awesomeness, if you’re interested…

    …OK, enough nerding, everyone’s sick of us already. Run, get to the eagles!

  16. @Sns – oh, I’M, interested all right. GREAT link, know I know what I’ll be reading this weekend…

    I remember, well, when I saw that Bakshi version in a movie theater in NYC, special screen, sound, etc…off the charts it was his Masterstroke as an artist and technology at the time. Why no one uses this technique? Is beyond me! I believe it’s called Rotoscope:

    Also remember watching those two R&B versions on the TV…

    The last vid was a RIOT! Especially when Gollum showed up ‘out of nowhere’ as usual…

    And don’t call me a nerd!!:>)


  17. ghost of brig gen j glover
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 11:09 AM

    “Tolkien fought in WWI, so he knows about the rescue of ‘eagles’, a well known symbol and iconography of the USA. And eagles are RARE in England.”

    …that’s a real good point, hadn’t thought of that…

    ghost of brig gen j glover
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 12:06 PM

    “The last vid was a RIOT! Especially when Gollum showed up ‘out of nowhere’ as usual…”
    …pretty much everything the HISHE folks do is good, they have ALL the Tolkien movies, and also their “Villain Pub” and “Hero Cafe” series are good, if you know common superheroes/villains.

    …AND, they avoid CUSSING. Rare on the Web these days…

    “And don’t call me a nerd!!:>)”

    …it takes one to know one…brother nerd…

    …I’m working on a secret decoder ring, I’ll let you know when it’s done…if only I didn’t have these dang braces…;)

  18. gin blossom MAY 15, 2020 AT 1:49 PM
    “Does he realize he can’t bring his wife with him to prison either?”:

    …perhaps not, but wait ’till he finds out that HE’LL be someone ELSE’S…


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