Clarence Thomas Says ‘Unreported’ Yacht Voyage With Oil Baron Seized On By Liberal Media…. Never Actually Happened – IOTW Report

Clarence Thomas Says ‘Unreported’ Yacht Voyage With Oil Baron Seized On By Liberal Media…. Never Actually Happened

DC: ProPublica’s latest story on Justice Clarence Thomas features “a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas” that the justice reportedly told a close friend never happened.

ProPublica reported that oil baron Paul “Tony” Novelly’s chauffeur in the Bahamas said his company once drove the justice to the marina where Novelly’s 26-foot luxury yacht, the Le Montrachet, often docks. Mark Paoletta, a Schaerr Jaffe law firm partner and close friend of the justice, wrote in a Friday Wall Street Journal op-ed that Thomas told him he has never even seen the boat.

“ProPublica’s claim that Justice Thomas was a passenger on any yacht owned by Tony Novelly, including the Le Montrachet, is completely false,” Paoletta told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “He has never ever laid eyes on this boat. Moreover, Justice Thomas has never been in the Bahamas with Tony Novelly.” more

17 Comments on Clarence Thomas Says ‘Unreported’ Yacht Voyage With Oil Baron Seized On By Liberal Media…. Never Actually Happened

  1. I think the story is so contrived and dumb, that “beachmom’s” ad above was more interesting. Justice Thomas could cure cancer and he’d still be the left’s boogeyman.

  2. Lawfare. It doesn’t matter if its true or not, its a smear eagerly reported by a Communist media and keeps the target on defense all the time, spending time and money defending against absolute lie after absolute lie that it costs the Communist NOTHING to advance and they can vigorously prosecute it at taxpayer expense from now until the sun explodes.

    They can simply wear the target out, bankrupt them, and ruin them in the eyes of lofo idiots who believe everything MSNCNN says. Eventually they point at the sheer volume of false allegations as ‘proof’ that the target must have done SOMETHING wrong, and idiots just scrunch their unibrows and believe every word as they vote Democrat.

    They only do it because it works.

  3. 38 yacht trips all paid for by billionaires. May this focker wallow & choke on his own shit.
    Uncle Tom is as corrupt as they come. 26 private jets & 8 private helicopters to get to the yachts. 26′ is a motor boat. 126 feet!

  4. Who GsAF?
    Can they prove a “quid pro Joe?”
    Shit or get off the pot – enough innuendo.

    We gonna get into Sotomayor’s expensive lifestyle?
    Her $millions of under-the-table payoffs that are hidden away?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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