Clark County Accepted 6 Invalid Mail-In Ballots in Sting Operation – IOTW Report

Clark County Accepted 6 Invalid Mail-In Ballots in Sting Operation


VICTOR JOECKS: Clark County accepted my signature on 6 mail ballot envelopes.

The delay in counting votes isn’t the only concerning thing about Nevada’s elections. Clark County officials accepted my signature on six mail-ballot return envelopes.

For the past two elections, Nevada sent mail ballots to all registered voters, unless they opted out. That means around 1.8 million ballots went out. Well more than 1 million won’t be returned. Previously, a voter could request an absentee ballot for any reason. That’s more secure because ballots went only to those wanting to vote by mail.

With that many ballots floating around, there are obvious security concerns — it’s much easier to get ahold of someone else’s ballot. Someone could vote for their spouse or child who doesn’t care about politics, but was automatically registered at the DMV. In apartment complexes, ballots of previous residents have ended up in the trash. A postal worker could pocket ballots. There’s not exactly an airtight chain of custody.

Election officials, however, claim there is no need to worry. They have asserted signature verification helps prevent someone from successfully casting a ballot that doesn’t belong to them.

As I did two years ago, I tested that theory this election. I had 11 people send me a picture of their ballot envelope. I then wrote their name in my handwriting. Each voter than copied my version of their signature onto their ballot return envelope. They sent me a picture to ensure it wasn’t their normal handwriting. This simulated signing someone else’s ballot.

It’s also legal because each voter signed his or her own ballot.

If signature verification worked, all 11 of those ballots should have been set aside for mismatched signatures. Instead, six were accepted. That’s a greater than 50 percent chance of being accepted. When I did this experiment in 2020 with nine voters, eight had their ballots accepted. That was an almost 90 percent acceptance rate.

These sample sizes are too small to say definitively that things have gotten better. Let’s hope they have. But either way, one thing is obvious: Signature verification isn’t the fail-safe security measure election officials claim it is.


15 Comments on Clark County Accepted 6 Invalid Mail-In Ballots in Sting Operation

  1. I know notaries aren’t overly secure either, as I’ve known many notaries over the years that would sign anything, but why not at least make them have their envelopes notarized?

    Also why not make anyone who wants to mail in a ballot have to have it postmarked a week before the election and any ballot not received by election day is not counted?

    Also some form of tape on envelopes that can’t be steamed? Mail carriers have been caught before steaming open envelopes and replacing the ballot inside.
    For those matters I’d trust UPS, Fed-Ex or even Amazon drivers over 90% of mail carriers.

    If these states though won’t get rid of mail in ballots, then Republican voters need to not send theirs in until you know it will arrive after election day for those states that allow a week after the election.

    I couldn’t do it, but those who could, cheat yourself and drop off 20 or 30 thousand ballots.

  2. Lots of new immigrants cannot write cursive, as well as many public school gradulate! I saw one absentee ballot 2020 by a Hispanic lady that her daughter brought to us and the name that was printed exactly matched the “signature.” How is that going to work???

    Those persons need extra checks for sure!
    the daughter and her friend spoke to the clerk away from me and I guess it turned out ok? but I saw it first before she took to clerk. don’t now wht happened next but would bet it got accepted

  3. Hello 6 you sent in fraudulent ballots. That is election fraud he should be promptly arrested.

    Your grammar school teacher should be arrested for advancing you past 2nd grade. There were no “fraudulent ballots,” you fucking idiot. -bfh

  4. ^^^still haven’t read the article or difficulty with comprehension? Ask mom nicely for help when she calls you upstairs for dinner and maybe she’ll point out the part you’re missing.

  5. Furthermore, shithead, a sting operation is not a “government” thing. The fucking movie THE STING was not about the government. And citizens set up STING OPERATIONS to catch pedophiles. I guess it’s only a matter of time before you get stung and think, “shit, they were right.”

  6. I think you are both right and don’t realize it.

    I mean BFH and Andrew(s) . . .

    BFH is right from the Scientific Perspective and Truth

    Andrew(s) is right from the Department Of Justice perspective to bury and hide all proof of fraud and claim ‘There is no evidence of any widespread fraud. Nothing to see here”.

  7. That our election process is corrupt is beyond dispute.

    The question is: “What do we do about it?”

    We cannot use a corrupt election process to vote our way to election integrity.


    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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