Class Action Lawsuit To Be Filed Against Dominion in U.S. District Court, Colorado – IOTW Report

Class Action Lawsuit To Be Filed Against Dominion in U.S. District Court, Colorado

A class action lawsuit is about to be filed against Dominion Voting Systems and related entities alleging that the election agent has infringed on the rights of ordinary Americans “under the First Amendment to participate in the public debate regarding election integrity and security.”

Mike Lindell, who has his own separate lawsuit against Dominion, announced the news on “War Room” on Thursday, and said the lawsuit should be filed in U.S. District Court in Colorado by Friday.

The defendants are US Dominion, Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, which are charged in the complaint with trying “to intimidate Americans by waging and threatening to wage Lawsuit Warfare (“Lawfare”) against anyone that speaks about anything related to Dominion’s possible role in election integrity and security.”

Plaintiffs include JENNIFER L. COOPER, EUGENE DIXON, FRANCIS J. CIZMAR, ANNA PENNALA, KATHLEEN DAAVETTILA, CINTHIA BRUNELL, KARYN CHOPJIAN, and ABBIE HELMINEN, individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated.

The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiffs were sent threatening letters by Dominion with the intention of silencing them and others from public debate about the election process. more


3 Comments on Class Action Lawsuit To Be Filed Against Dominion in U.S. District Court, Colorado

  1. Hi, I’m Dominion, you don’t know me but I’ve been you, and a whole lot more folks too, 80 million or so, so I know YOU.

    Enough to vote the way you SHOULD, anyway.

    See this guy? This is my buddd John Roberts. Say “Hi”, Jonny.

    Roberts-(transfixed on something Dominion is holding) “Hi, Johnny”

    Dominion -Watch how his eyes follow this envelope I’m holding. What could be IN here? Naked pix of Jonnny on the kids on Epstein Island? Fat bribe dough? Proof about how illegal his “adoptions” were? A contract for Scalia’s hitman to do HIM next? All four? WE know, Johnny and I, but its gonna be jussst between us.

    As long as Johnny behaves, that is.

    You gonna behave, Johnny?

    Roberts – Yes Sir.

    Domimion – Gooooood! Glad to hear it! Now tell these nice folks about how you’re gonna hear their case against me when they appeal it to you, Johnny.

    Roberts – I WON’T. I WON’T hear it!

    Dominion – ohoh, that’s a GOOD boy, Johnny, but WHY won’t you?

    Roberts – NO STANDING!

    Excelle…I mean, too bad, folks, I’m afraid you’re gonna waste all that time and money getting to my friend here, all for nothing.

    Well, see you at the trial for the defamation countersuit! That one WILL get heard, but the “discovery” will be a bit, eh, “one sided”, thanks to my chum here and many like him.

    Mostly,we’re gonna discover you owe me BILLIONS!

    …hope you can discover a deeeeep wallet by then! Cheerio, I’ve got a recall “win” (heh!) party to get to,and I’m the guest of honor!

    (Throws snack)

    COME, Johnny! HEEL! Now, write an opinion that pisses on these folks’ shoes! GOOD BOY!

  2. GWB’s puppet has said 10 times the last 11 months, “NO STANDING!”!?!@#!%?

    What makes them thing Roberts will stop being a “Bush Republican”!?@?!


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